saragrochowski's reviews
3810 reviews

Everything Is Poison by Joy McCullough

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This was the book I needed post-election. Don’t miss the author’s note! #teamprh
The Last Bookstore On Earth by Lily Braun-Arnold

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I’m honestly relieved that this climate fiction narrative requires some suspension of disbelief because the disaster and aftermath depicted here are incredibly terrifying. The perspective shifts between current events and before the storm worked really well, building suspense and revealing how the MC ended up alive and alone while also allowing room for quiet moments and character building. My favorite conceit was the first hand accounts of the storm interspersed throughout from bookstore visitors; fascinating and my librarian heart loves a written record!
Heart-Shaped Lies by Elizabeth Agyemang

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This premise is so fresh and incredibly satisfying for someone who’s here for women’s rights and wrongs. #teamprh
One on One by Jamie Harrow

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Found a new must-buy author!
Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto

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More Julie Soto books please and thank you!!
Kareem Between by Shifa Saltagi Safadi

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So thrilled KAREEM BETWEEN won the 2024 National Book Award! Pair it with picture book INSHA’ALLAH, NO, MAYBE SO and Jasmine Warga’s MG verse novel OTHER WORDS FOR HOME. #teamprh