saragrochowski's reviews
3810 reviews

Fangirl Down by Tessa Bailey

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I’m glad I gave this one a try despite disliking book 2. Does the MMC still display red flags that would be a no-go in real life? Yes. But the MMC and FMC are a lot more evenly matched here.
The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck by Kylie Scott

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Love how this one is mostly lighthearted, touching on but not centering trauma in their connection; it makes for great escapism! This MMC is also just the right amount of alpha and man of few words and I found the FMC’s tendency to question the too good to be true love story she was living endearing. In a word: delightful.
The Au Pair Affair by Tessa Bailey

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I didn’t click with these characters or tropes but I still read the whole thing. The very steamy (though deeply heteronormative) sex scenes are the only place where the MMC’s single-mindedness and territorial behavior really worked for me, but ymmv. 
Dreams Made Flesh by Anne Bishop

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An excellent short story collection that adds to the world of The Black Jewels. Well worth reading! #teamprh
Heir to The Shadows by Anne Bishop

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I love these characters! #teamprh
The Invisible Ring by Anne Bishop

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Reading this book before Daughter of the Blood gives context that heightens the impact of the trilogy’s intro. #teamprh