sachahusken's reviews
729 reviews

Dead Lake by Darcy Coates

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
bad narrator
Hunted by Darcy Coates

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challenging dark mysterious tense medium-paced


Roxy by Esther Gerritsen

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Hoofdpersoon is een vreselijk schaap (pun intended), irritatie over dit leeghoofd overheerst de hele leeservaring van dit boek. In tegenstelling tot de mening van anderen denk ik dat dit boek niet over rouw gaat, maar over blijven hangen in onvolwassenheid en onverantwoordelijkheid. Ik zou niemand dit boek aanraden.
Insurgent by Veronica Roth

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adventurous challenging dark fast-paced


The Buried Book by D.M. Pulley

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dark mysterious sad slow-paced


The Unseen Sister by Andy Maslen

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dark emotional funny mysterious fast-paced


Watching You by Lisa Jewell

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dark mysterious fast-paced


Weyward by Emilia Hart

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dark emotional mysterious medium-paced
