redlipstickandreading's reviews
413 reviews

56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard

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I wasn't sure about reading a book that featured covid and lockdowns as a plot point but I was pleasantly surprised
The Babysitter: My Summers with a Serial Killer by Jennifer Jordan, Liza Rodman

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I've been burned in the past reading a true crime memoir (Looking at you Blood Will Out) but I really enjoyed this story. Prior to reading this I had never heard of Tony Costa. The book truly does it's best to give you a factual first person account from his point of view.

The short chapters and alternating between Liza's memories and the facts of Tony's life makes this book a quick engaging read. Also easily the most openly well sourced true crime book I've read.
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix

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This was my first time reading a horror book and it definitely lived up to the challenge. This was an interesting premise that kept me interested the whole time. And I'm not just saying this because I'm also in a true crime book club.