readingwitherin's reviews
1606 reviews

The Liar Next Door by Nicola Marsh

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The people in this book are messy! There is so much drama and unnecessary emotional manipulation that only harms all of them. This book is a great example and cautionary tale of how keeping secrets and getting even is a bad idea when it comes to personal/private relationships and how it will only continue to hurt you later on down the road. Having said that, this book had me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out how it all pieced together to make an extremely dysfunctional and messy family situation. I was so tense while listening to parts of this book because I was so afraid something was going to happen to one of the children involved in it. Nicole Marsh is such a good storyteller and keeps all these different pov's and relationship pieced together in an easy-to-understand manner even though they were all intertwined and extremely messy! 

If you want a book that is going to take you a while to unravel and figure out because of all the different characters, then this book is for you. It wasn't super scary on the thriller portion, but it will still have you on the edge of your seat!
The Curious Kitchen Gardener Uncommon Plants and How to Eat Them by Linda Ziedrich

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

This book covers some of the more uncommon types of plants that you can garden. While I am not quite as ambitious nor adventurous when it comes to the foods I eat right now, it was still interesting to learn about them. I enjoyed the sections on the trees, grapes, chives, and several of the other plants mentioned the most. I think this will be a great book for anyone who is more adventurous, but not the greatest for the beginner gardener who wants to grow fruit, vegetables, and nuts that they already eat. 

I will be checking into more by this author in the future as they were very knowledgable and explained things thoroughly and in an easy-to-understand manner. 
Merry Ever After by Tessa Bailey

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 39%.
 Nope. Too many mentions of how big this guy is all over. The part where she goes to his house gives me weird vibes. Just nope can't.