poegostick's reviews
171 reviews

Vengeful by V.E. Schwab

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This book put me through so much stress!!!!
The Governess Game by Tessa Dare

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This book was just tons of fun. I laughed out loud at it. The characters were engaging and the dialog just snappy enough. Tessa Dare is becoming a great pallette cleanser in-between more intense books.
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

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This book had amazing moments and a glimpse at wonderful characters, but at time felt like it was lost. I think Ben might have been a more compelling main character, and the book also felt like it noticed that about half way through.
The Fastest Way To Fall by Denise Williams

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I seriously loved this book, I just think that it was guilty of overstaying its welcome. I think the big reveal of the truth of the relationship just came a few scenes too late, so I sort of was over it. Then the back and forth happened and I just completely lost interest.

I listened to this on audiobook, so I wonder if I would have felt the same if I was reading it!

However, I have never related to a MC more, so I hope to see more of these types of books in the future!
Love Potion for the Alpha by Alice Coldbreath

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I wanted to love this book. The premise sounded amazingly fun. However, the main character was so stupidly ditzy it almost felt anti feminist. She is an agent of no action in the book, remains passive and shocked by just about everything. The MMC was just growling at everything and if I had to hear about the "wolf inside" one more time I was gonna scream.
Sign Here for Horns by V.K. Ludwig

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Needed something short in between books. This was fun at first but the author kept referencing the fmc's "slim 130 pounds" which irritated the heck out of me.
Romancing the Duke by Tessa Dare

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Reading Tessa Dare is like having my favorite comfort meal. Also, people should take notes on how to create heroines like her - strong willed without being insufferable and innocent without being naive.
The Player by Kresley Cole

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The FMC was so grating and made such dumb choices it drove me crazy. The main conflict so far revolving around kink just wasn't enough for me. Cole is an amazing writer but I couldn't do it.