poegostick's reviews
171 reviews

What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher

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Kingfisher's writing is wonderful, and I think if it weren't for that I would have given up on the book. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, but I think I was expecting more. More creepiness, more grossness, more atmosphere. It felt like there was too much of a jovial tone for what should have been dark and brooding. In any case, I will be checking out more of her work! I think it's a great introduction to Kingfisher, and coming in at under 200 pages, its an easy read-in-one-sitting kind of book!
For the Fans by Nyla K.

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This book turned out to be so much more than I bargained for. Don't get me wrong, it is pretty long clocking in at around 700 pages, but I think every bit of that length was used properly.

This relationship is complicated and realistic. It ended up being a lot more than just some mindless smut. (and the smut was very good if you're curious)

I'm someone who isn't easily triggered, so I followed the author's advice and didn't read the warnings before hand because they will spoil somethings.

These two boys tugged at my heartstrings for sure. I'm sure that this book will end up in my top reads of the year.

My biggest complaint: why?? always?? two?? question marks?? irritated me a bit.
Soul Eater by Lily Mayne

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A heartwarming surprise

Okay, admittedly I had low expectations. I figured the monster smut would be a quick and easy way to get out of my reading slump.

But omg something about Maynes writing style just had me enraptured. Don't get me wrong, it's not the best example of writing. There's a lot of telling, and not showing, but the characters felt developed and round despite that.

Additionally, the world was fascinating. I could have been invested in this story for 500+ pages if proper time had been set aside for world building. This is a wonderful debut, so I'm excited to see the author expand on their skills in the following books.

Danny as a protagonist was wonderful. I quickly realized I've grown tired of insta-badass main characters that are some how powerful chosen ones. Danny felt like just a dude, and in that fact was so relatable.

The smut was well written without being overindulged or unnecessary as well.

I thought I'd only give this 3 stars but idk something said round it up!