I really want to give this book at most a 2 star rating. Not because it’s really that bad, it's just that after the two previous books I was so disappointed.
I spent 80% of the book annoyed with Spensa. She does not seem to have changed, grown, evolved in any meaningful way. Technically she has learnt some things, but in reality she is the same immature, self absorbed person she was in the first book.
Her internal monologue is so juvenile. I know that this is a YA book, but the first two books did not read as such to this extent.
I think this book would have been much better if we had different POVs. Making this book shorter and adding in the 3 novellas would have really made a difference for me.
I need to read some more Sanderson books. Does he just not write female characters well ? Or is it just me? Out of everyone in Mistborn, Vin was the one I least enjoyed. I think she was also the one with a minimum amount of evolution throughout the whole 3 books .
The overall story and key plots push this to a 2.5 in the end. But very grudgingly.
This was such a fast and fun read. It is a true good representation of a fantasy-Romance.
I mean, I understand some of the negative comments I have seen about this book for which it would be hard to go into without spoilers, others however I do not agree with.
I found the world building to be very good. We are gradually introduced to the history and political landscape, but it's not shoved down our throats.
The banter and chemistry between Poppy and Hawk was just so fun to read and one of the highlights of the book for me. The “princess “ nickname I could do without 🙂
After seeing so many great reviews of this book, I went into it with so much hope. A gang war in an urban fantasy setting with magic and martial arts, sounds fantastic.
Unfortunately I struggled to finish the book and almost DNFed it 3 times.
The disjointed POVs and very slow pace at the beginning made it hard for me to understand the world and politics that rule it. The pace does pick up after the 55% mark and I stopped struggling as much to get to the end.
The worst thing for me however, was the fact that I couldn’t connect with any of the MCs. This meant that nothing that happened to them made the impact on me it should have. I pivoted between who I found least annoying, and in the end I ended up disliking all of them.