phidgt's reviews
465 reviews

Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley

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Did not finish book.
I thought I could read a book about a dog, but nope, not gonna do it. Maybe there will come a time when I can revisit Lily - I'm simply not in the mood to cry over a book, which will undoubtedly be what will happen here.
Improbable Destinies: Fate, Chance, and the Future of Evolution by Jonathan B. Losos

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Did not finish book.
Even though this book ended up in "shelved", it is very interesting and well written. Revisit this one when you are ready to learn something. ;)
Trust by Hernán Díaz

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Did not finish book.
I have made it approximately half-way through this book and, unfortunately, I am going to have to throw in the towel. I rarely ever completely give up on a book and have therefore put into my "shelved" collection to be revisited at another time.

This book is divided up into four parts; a novel within a novel with an autobiography and some other something that I didn't get to. The first part was very good. It tells the story of a wealthy, reclusive business tycoon of the 1920's. He amasses his great wealth by mastering the early days of the stock exchange, being a veritable genius buying and selling on the market and surviving the great crash.

Then the book switches to part 2 which is written as a manuscript for another story. Apparently the autobiography of the character in the first part. By the time I reached the end of part two I just didn't really care anymore. I also found it very difficult to keep track of what was going and found myself to be easily distracted.

Due to the amount of positive reviews this book has received and the number of awards and accolades the author has received, I really feel like I will try to read "Trust" at another time.
Uprooted by Naomi Novik

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 22%.
I am stumped as to what spurred me to adding this book to my collection in the first place. I can only presume that it was by mistake.

I am stumped as to how anyone found this book to be remotely interesting. The writing is sheer drivel. A blank sheet of paper has more substance than the characters in this book.

I managed to read 96 pages, hoping that anything would redeem this book for me, but no, it's simply not good.
The Knife Man: Blood, Body Snatching, and the Birth of Modern Surgery by Wendy Moore

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
I'm going to have to give up on this one and, perhaps, give it a try at some other time. I'm not sure that I care enough about this topic or if it's just a boring book. I do feel that I'm giving up much too soon - page 42 doesn't really give the author a chance.
No One Is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood

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Did not finish book.
I'm only a few pages in at this time. All I keep thinking is how exactly this book made it onto my TBR pile and that I actually have it to read. Maybe I'll pick it up again, but right now I am going to have to shelve it.
A Good Marriage by Jessica Hecht, Stephen King

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Did not finish book.
This book actually turned out to be two novellas which I managed to not realize before I began reading it. As a rule, I prefer to not read anything about a Stephen King book before reading it, so I was caught off guard when the story ended as it did.

"The Good Wife" was ok, however, predictable. I was ready for the story to go off into some crazy twist as King is wont to do. Unfortunately, what happened was the start of the second novella. Oops.

"1922" - I tried to read it, but it also appears to be going down a predictable path. For now I'm going to set it aside, revisit it later perhaps.
The Real Wolf: The Science, Politics, and Economics of Coexisting with Wolves in Modern Times by Ted B. Lyon, Will N. Graves

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Did not finish book.
This book was not at all what I thought it was going to be. I was hoping for a book on the ecology of wolves. However, this book is written by a trial attorney and appears to be more focused on the relocation of wolves in the West. The author's opinion is that this is not a good thing.