What could go wrong?! The crazy thing is, just upon reading the synopsis - anything could go wrong. What was even more threatening was that someone else from Justice’s past was present also.
With so many singles in one place to mingle, Justice does just that. The retreat is full of activities - some she does solo. My favorites were the speed dating and the horseback riding.
Though, there always seemed to be times where Justice and Terrence are in the same room or eyeing one another from afar.
The question for me was “Was the time apart really needed, or was there just some miscommunication along the way?” I’d say that honesty is key, especially when you’ve built a relationship with someone.
In my opinion, it was really clear that Justice had no other serious partners or relationships and that lack of experience may have been her problem, especially since she kept up so much inner dialogue that was leading her to self - sabotage.
All in all, this read was enjoyable. The second half picked up pretty quickly. Some spice, as expected. But, if you pick up this read don’t skip the Epilogue - it brought the story full circle!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Y’all, this book is long but the chapters within an are all filled with information and journeys that lead to finding this little boy. The kicker is that it is hilarious at times, pushes you to really think, and forces you to keep turning the pages.
My favorite character has to be the three hundred year old witch. Why? Because she would stop at nothing to find this boy. But, as with everyone else - she must have her secrets as well. Secrets that aren’t shared in this book. But, book 2 of the trilogy is hers.
This book has many topics, situations, and things that occur that I know many people wouldn’t want to read. However, it gives the story a push forward - a way to understand even the characters that aren’t the main focus.
With this being a fantasy, with African Mythology mixed within, I’d say this was a wonderful experience. It shows how power is limited, how truths are stretched,and excessive ambitions. Have I read anything like it before? No. But, I have read another novel by this author and it didn’t disappoint either.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
“Most times we can’t change what done to us. But we can fight. I know you know a little something about that, the not giving up part. I know you a fighter ‘cause you still here.”
The story starts out with Pola on a plantation in Puerto Rico on the night she decides to run. That was a first for me, action at the very beginning of the story is always a win.
The story follows Pola as she is sold to a sugarcane plantation, one with owners that don’t usually punish their slaves harshly. Though that seems to be a relief, there are many other things that become worries.
Pola is met by the healer Rafina, when she arrives. Due to extreme bruises from her previous plantation, she experiences leniency here and eventually makes friends - though the enemies always come first.
After a while Pola allows the truths that she has pushed aside long ago to settle into her thoughts. The truth that The Mother, Yemaya, from her original Yoruba upbringing has never left her - but has actually answered the prayer she prayed when she ran the first night.
The story gives an outlook from Pola’s past, being taken from her village, her journey to the auction block and the trauma she encountered from child birth and dealing with her previous plantation that forced their slaves to breed.
Seeing Pola change and accept that love is possible was a beautiful thing. Being a slave narrative, this was a very enjoyable read.
Reading this became harder as the book progressed. Not only does Ruby see spirits, she has times where she seems “to others” to be talking to herself, screaming, and eventually not taking care of herself at all.
To read how her mother left her, and she was taken to “work” for a woman for years made me sad. What was worse was who took her there.
Though Ruby grew up and moved to New York to find her mother, she comes back to Liberty and the worst that could happen - happens.
The only person in town that sees, knows, remember, and cares is Ephram Jennings. The twist is that Ephram is a preachers son who defies his sisters wishes by keeping company with Ruby.
The twist is that Ephram doesn’t know as much as his sister does about the people of Liberty, Texas. Nor does he know that he’s really righting the wrongs of his family from so many years ago.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I’m such a short read, there is plenty happening. Gloria Roane has her eyes on another man. Johnnie really doesn’t want to stay in Lennox. Mrs. Gramby (wealthiest woman in town) is getting older but still realizing that her son married the wrong woman. The Weasel, the taxi driver, knows everybody’s business. Lil Gramby - Mearn Gramby’s wife and Gloria’s mother has secrets and her eyes on her husband’s family fortune. Ed Barnell, the gas station man, has a reputation of having multiple women. And then there’s Mr. Fraiser the drugstore owner and also the narrator of this story.
This story depicts every angle of American life. From Marriage to divorce, cheating spouses, relocation, and even lies and deception. The craziest thing is that people often will do whatever they need to in order to protect their reputation. That even includes being silent about situations that bother them the most.
The saddest thing is that in little country towns, the availability of partners is slim, and there really aren’t any secrets because someone is always watching. Here in Lennox, Connecticut that person would be The Weasel.
Finding someone who understands you is important, especially when you have a diagnosis. I think Stella figured this out after a while. It was great to see the welcoming of Micheals friends and family who understood her situation.
Yet Micheal finally realized that he didn’t have to escort forever, and that his past would somehow always filter over into his present. Because his former client ending up in the same room with him multiple times was wild.
Y’all, this little girl is hard headed. She goes into the woods, talks to strangers - adults included., and eventually finds out random information that leads her to the answers that even her mother couldn’t find.
I found this an interesting read, small town where everyone knowers everyone and secrets that you’d not think possible. Though Frankie even finds out information about her father, and eventually her mother that she would not have been able to know if she hadn’t moved to Litani herself.
“The Game” was crazy, as it was mentioned but wasn’t revealed until the police were involved. Though three little girls invited Frankie to play, and she accepted without knowing what it consisted of. Luckily, Frankie being nosey and meeting those girls saved her in the end and really the entire town. One confession put the people responsible behind bars. And from just meeting some of the guilty ones, you couldn’t have guessed who was responsible.
This story held so many topics, teenage dating, friendship, a botched abortion, trauma, self - acceptance, cheating spouse, and most importantly forgiveness.
Diane knows how to write a family story, written so you can understand the why’s and see the backstory unravel within the story. The craziest part was when Joe realized that playing his saxophone was something he missed, along with realizing that the grass is definitely not always greener on the other side. Louise feeling as If her appearance and her teeth may be why her husband, Joe’s attention is wandering.
Then you have Neet and Shay, best friends and neighbors since childhood. A scarred friendship after Neet’s pregnancy is dealt with and something goes wrong. Then there’s Alberta, one who had a rough childhood and turns to church hoping that this will erase her sinful past. So much that she believes her daughter should follow her steps, until the church takes her daughters “situation” too far, causing her to rethink everything, even leaving Cecil Street.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
She taught me that the ancestors come if you call them. That if you’re having trouble you pray to em and they give help.”
This story had several strong points. Many characters, I feel deserved a highlight they didn’t receive. Also, the magical realism took over most of the story. Annis being the main character didn’t mean much because she felt like a shadow in the story. It seemed that everything about her life, her current situation, and her future relied on Aza.