parklandmom's reviews
773 reviews

Fragile Blessings by Susan M. Baganz

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Read: December 2024 
Format: e-book borrow from Everand 

Book #141 of 2024: My 50th "new-to-me" author for 2024. 

I found the premise of this story to be very intriguing. I think it would have been improved by being a longer story. This was more of a novelette. It seemed a little simple and matter of fact and tied up too neatly, so to speak. There are several typos with Colleen misspelled several times as Collen. 

The loss of an infant is something horrible to endure but I appreciated that the husband and wife took in the orphaned children.  They all needed each other.
Where Courage Calls by Laurel Oke Logan, Janette Oke

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Read: December 2024 
Series: Return to the Canadian West, #1
Format: Audiobook borrow from Audible Plus catalogue 

Book #140 of 2024: I hadn't read a Janette Oke book in many years and it took me back. This series is written with her daughter, Laurel. 

I enjoyed this story of a newly graduated teacher leaving a life of privilege and wealth to take on a position two provinces away in Alberta. The town has little to offer in things but has riches in many other ways. Beth quickly realized that the people have more needs than an education for the children. She pours herself into her community and begins to discover what is true wealth. She earnestly seeks to help with Bible teaching and reaching out to the ostracized miners. 

Beth becomes aware of some nefarious activity in the seemingly quiet, little town. A near tragedy amps up the investigation. 

This story remained interesting throughout and I'm looking forward to the second book. 
Christmas Ella by Angela Ruth Strong, Angela Ruth Strong

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Read: December 2024
Format: PDF sent to Kindle 

Book #139 of 2024: New-to-me author. 

This is a fairly tale re-telling of sorts. There are two snarky sisters and an overbearing mom that all belong to the romantic interest. An old family friend is the fairy godmother. Ella is Cinderella to the wealthy Paxton's role as prince. The fancy blue dress even makes an appearance. It was my favorite fairytale as a young girl. 

Unfortunately, this novella just didn't grab me at any point. I liked the airport scene at the beginning and how Paxton handled things at the end. 

Celebrating Tina by Sara Blackard

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Read: December 2024 
Series: Stryker Force, #3
Format: Kindle e-book 

Book #137 of 2024: New-to-me author. 

I didn't read the first two in the series yet. I wanted to read this one first because I enjoy Christmas books in December. I'll get to those two another time. I don't care for the title of the book. It doesn't seem to fit with the others to me. 

I enjoyed the character of Tina as well as Milo. The camaraderie of the Stryker Force is special. They are a family of sorts. The novella keeps you guessing about who the bad person is and what their motive is. 

The romance gets off to a rather unconventional start but they both find ways to break through the heartache of the past. Scout the search dog is a terrific added bonus.
Marry Me by Autumn Macarthur

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Read: December 2024 
Collection: Chapel Cove, #6 
Format: Kindle e-Book collection 

Book #136 of 2024: This is my first time reading this author. This is a sweet story with a woman named Melanie who had lost her father, father-in-law, and husband all within a relatively short period of time. Not only that, her young daughter has leukemia and things aren't looking good. Her daughter presents her with an extensive Christmas wish list and her most favoured with is for a new daddy. Not any daddy - "Dr. Santa" from the hospital. How could she refuse? 

This story is a little over-the-top at times with the abundance of Hallmark-y moments. However,  it is a sweet story about grief and healing, God's grace, and His constant presence. It is a sweet Christmas read. 
A Cross-Country Christmas by Courtney Walsh

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Read: December 2024
Series: Road Trip Romance, #1 of 2
Format: audiobook at Everand 
Narrators: Reba Buhr, Will Collyer - both are fantastic narrators!!! 
Challenge Prompt: EOW's "a book picked out for you by someone else" - DURING December option

Book #135 of 2024: There aren't many Courtney Walsh books that remain unread for me. I enjoy her books! It's about time I started this duo. Huge kudos to both narrators. They used such great inflection, dynamics, and both were solid in both male and female characters. 

This is a unique story with a road trip that has more meaning than we think. It becomes clear to the reader that these two people need each other. They're like puzzle pieces that haven't found their best fit. YET. 

The trip causes them to face a lot of things, including their own mistakes and assumptions. Sometimes you want to shake one or both of them in aggravation or to just wake them up to the obvious. 

The best part of the novel for me is when they get to Will's parents' place. The gift given to his grandfather and then the moment at the dinner table are just precious beyond words. 

There are many laughs in this novel but also moments where you'll need a tissue (or six!) for tears, too. 
Smoky Mountain Christmas by Andrea Byrd

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Read: December 2024
Series: Smoky Mountains Romance
Format: Kindle e-Book 

Book #135 of 2024: I enjoyed this novella more than book 1 of this series. I was concerned initially by how rude and unfriendly the main character was. While I can appreciate her sorrow at being infertile, there was no point in the book that I truly understood her reasoning behind isolating herself and being so abrupt and cold. I've known several women who couldn't bear a child and none acted like that. I totally could understand the concern about finding a man who would understand but any man worth his salt would be open to adopting. She even froze out her own parents/family. 

I do love this big bear hug of a family. All their games and traditions are pretty wonderful. Love isn't just about blood. It's adopting. It's fostering. It's friends. It's in-laws. It's neighbours. ETC. I'm not too keen at having multiple rings thrown at my head so I'd maybe leave that one particular game out! lol!

The ending was a stretch for me but it was very HEA-Hallmark-y. (I'm sure that's a real word in the romantic fiction world!). 
Smoky Mountain Comfort by Andrea Byrd

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Read: December 2024
Series: Smoky Mountain Romance, #1
Format: Kindle e-Book

Book #133 of 2024: I really liked the premise of this book going in - a young bookshop owner, some mystery, a handsome cop. However, I felt it wasn't fully there. It was simplistic in places and the FMC comes across very weak and over-the-top. I do not mean to minimize anything bad that happens to anyone. *Not one bit.* And I do realize that everyone processes stuff differently. Her actions, however, sound like someone who has been ritually abused on repeat. PTSD-like. She struggles at the slightest touch, noise, movement, etc. It just didn't seem to fit for me. However, I tried to accept it for what it was. Again, there were very sweet, tender moments with customers, between the two main characters, etc. 

I like the male character. He's insightful and thinks outside the box. However, I doubt a cop would be able to spend a bunch of time in a store over some shoplifting. The relationship dynamics change too drastically and quickly to be believable considering how the FMC is portrayed. 

The situation with her dad left us all hanging and I would have liked to see a firm conclusion. Suddenly it's like everything is all right in her world because of a guy alone and not through any real efforts or growth of her own. The right man can certainly complement a woman but it was as though she quickly moved past all her trauma with no therapy or anything. It didn't feel genuine. 

I think this story has the potential to be much better with more realistic character development, therapy for the main character, and a more believable growth arc in the romance department. 

It's a nice, quick read for a busy month like December. The next novella in the series is a Christmas-oriented book so I wanted to read this first.
The Christmas Clue to Finding You by Pepper Basham

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Read: December 2024 
Collection: A Christmas in Mistletoe Square, #1
Format: Kindle e-Book 

Book #132 of 2024: This novella is light and fun yet it tackles how debilitating grief can be. And sometimes we really get in our own way and that affects our confidence and outlook. This novella also shows us that we sometimes make some detours before we find our way home. Home is where we fit and we are surrounded by those we love and who care about us as well. 

I enjoyed the friends-to-more development in this story. I'm *not* entirely convinced that kneecaps are attractive, but I'll go along with it for this story, and because I enjoy reading this author so much. 
A Christmas Comfort for Elsie by Regina Walker, Regina Walker

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Read: December 2024 
Series: Mail-Order Brides' First Christmas, #6 
Format: Kindle e-Book 

Book #131 of 2024:This is not a typical trope for me but I quite enjoyed it. I am curious about the other stories in this collection. I did feel it ended a bit abruptly and I wanted to know more of their story. 

I love the main character and the shy attraction her and the doctor have for one another. People were so much more mature at younger ages back then.