paperrcuts's reviews
536 reviews

Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav

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Shallow. Cheap. Tumblr-ish at its very finest.
The only thing keeping this book together is the musicality of the poems. But gosh. What is all the hype about. This is everything but poetry.
Lullabies by Lang Leav

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I don't know why I felt like reading the continuation too. Love & Misadventure was crappy anyways. Lullabies was purely crappy.
What the fuck has poetry ended up to be.

And I just think
that we just were.
My heart has shores
and he has oars.
He just was
and we just were.
Mouthful of Forevers by Clementine Von Radics

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Maybe the best one out of the crappy so-called-nowadays-poetry. The themes deserved something more. There were things to be told, and not in a tumblrish way, with the all known verses ending mid sentence and saying nothing.
Rape. Abuse. Sexuality. All these important matters and she made nothing of them.
The poem that gave its title is probably the only one worthy to be mentioned. But that one still looks like a Tumblr post than a poem.
Salt by Nayyirah Waheed

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This was a waste of time. If this is what poetry has come to be then we are doomed.
This was crap. Pure crap.


i think i am talented | i am unique.
The Chaos of Longing by K.Y. Robinson

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A tad better than the usual poetry novels of today. But still so shallow.
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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This book is magnificent. A must read.
We Should All Read This.