paperbacks_and_planners's reviews
1165 reviews

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

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4.5 stars.
I really enjoyed this book! I love the world Bardugo created and all of the new characters - especially Nikolai. I took off half a star because the middle did start feeling a little long winded - I mean how many fights do Mal and Alina really need to have... But I loved the first half (on the ship). And the ending was fantastic.
Umberland (Everland, Book 2), Volume 2 by Wendy Spinale

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This was another simple, fun read. Spinale's modern, steampunk twist to another classic fairytale was just as inventive as in Everland. I loved how she wove in all the Alice characters and and places. I did enjoy the new characters, but overall, all the characters are pretty 1 dimensional. And I have a hard time caring about their interactions or "relationships". But I do enjoy the overarching story line
SpoilerHow will the overthrow the Bloodred Queen? How will the cure the poison/crazy lizard people?
so I will definitely be reading the final book next spring.
In the Woods by Tana French

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This book was a bit of a flop for me. I couldn't stand the main character/narrator and found myself grumbling out loud while reading his "reasonings" on why he's acting like a piece of garbage. I just had a hard time listening or sympathizing with someone I disliked so much.
The overall mystery was interesting enough, but crazy slow. The book is only 430 pages but it took me a week to get through. No intention of continuing this series.
In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware

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Overall this book was enjoyable. I liked the story and Ware's writing. I didn't find any of it very surprising and I pretty much saw the ending/wrap up coming from the start - which is why it didn't get a higher rating. But it was a fun, quick read, especially to kick off October
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

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I love the overall story of this - the message totally resonates with me and world seems so possible and terrifying.
But the book overall was just okay to me. My biggest issue with this was some of Offred's ramblings become so incoherent and difficult to follow. When she's relaying conversations it was so difficult to distinguish what was actually said and what is her own commentary. So I found myself skimming a lot of the "conversations" and details.
State of Wonder by Ann Patchett

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I wanted to like this book more than I actually did. I found the story long and drawn out. The characters are extraordinarily unrelatable and much of the back story felt forced. I enjoyed the overarching story- woman from Minnesota goes to the jungle to find out about the death of a friend and colleague. And I finished the novel mostly to find out the conclusion to this. But I found the ending to be the most disappointing. She gives up the child, sleeps with her married coworker, and then just goes home? I definitely wanted more.