High Lights - It's a graphic novel, which, I LOOOOOVE graphic novels. The illustrations were fantabulous and really got the point across. - In a way, it's a little nostalgic. I read it when I was younger (don't know if I should've, but I'll get to that later), and it's a camp story, which always makes me nostalgic for some unknown reason. (I've only been to camp like twice in my life. XD) - I love the idea of someone being struck by lightning. It was a really cool idea to explore, but I wish it would've been more centered on that. - Most of the situations were quite relatable. It was a very relatable type of book.
Low Lights - Okay, so I read this when I was younger, but reading it again now, I just really don't know if I should've. XD - There was a lot of unexpected swearing, which really caught me off guard the second time around. I found this book in my library's juvenile section, but I don't think that's where it should belong. - I didn't like the theme of the story. All the kids are just so immature, it's frustrating. It was really hard for me to relate in that way, growing up conservative or whatever, but I didn't agree with the decisions of most of the characters.
Conclusion This was a cute, quick read. The characters were funny and relatable, and the story had a really cool premise. I'm just not sure how I felt about the theme and I didn't like the swearing. I wouldn't recommend to juveniles, that's for certain.
High Lights - O_O - ... - !!!!!!!!! - How to review this: I have no literal idea. - CHARACTERS. WORLD-BUILDING. DIALOGUE. I LOVES IT ALL. - HOWARD. AGHHHH HELP MEEEEE. *brain explodes* How does this even work? How is it possible? I DON'T KNOW. BUT IT'S AWESOME. I, personally, would've liked to see him more as Venturus. Just me? - THE GOON. Can I just say, that I did not like him at all. I almost liked him, till the whole revelation at the end. But POINTS FOR DELICIOUS DECEPTION. - ARCHER. I don't even know why I like him. I really don't. Because, I kinda hate him, but also like him, and these are just really confusing feelings I'm having and I really can't explain. At all. - Catriona and Quentin are basically my favorite thing. Especially at the end, when Quentin uses the magic of words and pretty much defeats all the bad wizards. Yesssss. - TORQUIL. AND HATHAWAY. I'M USING TOO MANY CAPS, AREN'T I. - Help I'm drowning in plot twists.
Low Lights - Um...none? - Well, I think it's okay for me to say that I absolutely despised Awful. Which, I suppose makes sense, and I was supposed to dislike her, but still. *disgusted face*
Conclusion Basically, I want to hug this book for ever and ever and never let it go. Magic system was SO. COOL. Also, the dialogue, characters, EVERYTHING. This is NOT the last DWJ I'm going to be reading, FOR SURELY. THANK YOU DEBORAH for introducing me to the wonder that is Dianna Wynne Jones!! :D
Initial Response Well that was just the cutest thing EVER.
Overview I loved this little gem! So sweet and innocent, a friendship created from a love of books, that spans across the continents. Helene is an adorably scatter-brained writer, and when paired with Frank's tender but charming personality, it makes for a lovely read. The book is told through a series of letters sent between Helene Hanff and the Marks & Co. bookshop in England (where Frank works) and it begins in the 1950s, working all the way up to nearly the 70s. I don't normally read this kind of thing, but a coworker recommended it, and I've been trying to break out of my comfort genre (fantasy), and this book definitely made me want to read more historical novels. It put such a warm smile on my face and the characters were so genuine and sweet.
Conclusion This isn't a long book, so if you have an afternoon, I wholeheartedly recommend giving this one a try. It will stick with you and leave you wishing you had been born in an era long gone.
Initial Response That was like the most awesome thing omg.
High Lights - First of all, DOREEN. She's literally a ball of energy and sunshine and life and I just really want her to be my friend. :D I related to her a lot with her struggle of being Squirrel Girl. Squirrel Girl was something she had made up in her head, and then when she started being the hero, it was like...revealing a very personal part of herself. It's hard, but can also be so, so rewarding. I really liked seeing her struggle with that and cheering her on. :) - Ana Sofia is so awesome. Like, you don't see many nearly deaf, snarky, detective girls, but I say we need more of them. 'Cause they're awesome. ;) Also, she has a massive crush on Thor which I highly approve of. Yes-ness. AND THEN AT THE END WHEN SHE MEETS HIM. I feel like if I would've been in that situation, I would've keeled over dead. Literally. XD - Mike. Oh boy. Okay, so like SUPER MIXED FEELINGS. He's a total jerk in the beginning, and then when we find out he's THE MICRO-MANAGER I liked him even LESS. (Although, it was pretty cool, the moment of realization. That was fun. Like, if this book was a movie, that would be the part where everyone in the theater simultaneously gasps. :D But anyway, towards the end, I...I don't know. I kinda pitied him. Like, he just wants to be the baddest super villain ever. CAN'T WE JUST GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS? - All the squirrels are literally so fabulous omg. I love their chitter-speak (which I couldn't understand half the time but STILL LOVED). Tippy-Toe is possibly the coolest squirrel I've ever known. Really. And also, can we all just appreciate for a moment that Shannon Hale filled AN ENTIRE TWO PAGES WITH THE NAMES OF ALL THE SQUIRRELS. I LOVE IT. :D - The text messages guys. They completed me. I love. OMGOSH ROCKET TOTALLY PRANKED DOREEN ABOUT TONY. YES. I feel like Tony would not appreciate being called an errand boy. XD - Basically yes to everything.
Low Lights -Um...yeah, nothing really. I mean, it's Marvel. You can't expect me to complain. :D
Conclusion If you're a Marvel fan, I HIGHLY recommend reading this one. It's a quick read, totally awesome, original characters, witty dialogue, and lots of action. This book seriously needs to be a movie. I'd watch it in a heartbeat. :D
Initial Response Jack is my favorite thing of ever.
High Lights - IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW JACK IS MY FAVORITE. He made this book, no joke. - Rapunzel is still her feisty self, which is great. - Freddie is ADORKABLE and also kind of a genius and may be my second favorite thing. Yeah. - Prudence is...well, she's epic, except for she kinda betrays Jack and the gang which is a BIG NO NO, but it's cool in the end, it's good. - I just really love Jack's relationship with his Momma, which is just so good. It's rocky at times, yes, but I just love them to pieces. - Also there is much romance and shipping of Jack and Rapunzel. #yes - CLEVER CLEVER story line!! I remembering the first time reading it I TOTALLY didn't expect the giants to be the ant people!! Like, whaaaat?! Good times, those were. :)
Low Lights - The giants kinda freaked me out a little, but they got it coming to them. It's good now, we're good. :P - Nothing, practically speaking.
Conclusion Though I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first book, if you did like the first book, YOU NEED TO READ THIS. If not for closure sake, then DO IT FOR JACK'S. And then you can feel bad for him and have all the feels basically. All that good stuff, you know.
Initial Response Oh, this book... Soooo many memories...
High Lights - First of all, this book gave me SO. MANY. GOOD MEMORIES. - I read it a looong time ago, when I was like ten, and I remember thinking it was the COOLEST BOOK EVER. - This book is still really cool. - I loved the suspense, the action, and the pacing. It really kept me on the edge of my seat! - Jessie was a super awesome character, and I loved how brave she was. I also loved seeing her so confused with the 'modern' technology. XD It was hilarious. - I also loved how the book was set in the 'future'. Jessie and her family live in a frontier village in 1840, but then her mother tells her it's actually 1996 outside!! :O It was interesting to see how even now, things have changed so much. What would it have been like if outside was actually 2017???
Low Lights - Being how I am, I really wished there would've been more characters. For the most part of the story, Jessie is really the only person I'm introduced to. But that's totally a preference of mine and doesn't detract from the story at all. - I really hated the people for what they were doing. Experimenting on little kids?! Really?! That's just sick, man.
Conclusion Maybe you've already this a long time ago, but if you'd like a funny, action-packed summer read, this might be the book for you. Even if it was written like twenty years ago. :P I have so many good memories from this book, so it will always have a special place in my heart. <3
High Lights - Art work is absolutely gorgeous. *drools over pretty pictures* - I found I could relate to Paige a lot during the course of the story. She's just a girl trying to find her way. - I'm kind of a sucker for graphic novels, so yeah, loved that aspect.
Low Lights - Paige's new friends struck me as a bit odd. I was glad when she found friends, yes, but...idk. - I didn't like how Paige's relationship with her parents was displayed. Though, it's a common theme in YA. - At the end, it feels like the fact that Paige and her friends are vandalizing just totally flies past, is even encouraged. I don't know, but I thought that was kind of weird... - I have mixed feelings on Gabe. I really appreciated that fact that he was a writer, but...he kind of rubs me the wrong way. - A few minor swears. I think there was only like four instances, but still. And there was were a few instances of suggestive dialogue, but it was easily ignored.
Favorite Quotes “I think I was born with my eyes facing the wrong way. Because they're always looking into my head rather than looking out.”
“But when I close my eyes, I'm more like THIS under the surface: I'm laughing and scheming and dreaming.”
Conclusion This was a cute, short read. I really liked the artwork and metaphorical aspects of the writing, and it kept me entertained for a sitting.
High Lights - I love love LOVED the style of writing. It was super easy to get into and the descriptions were lovely. - THE SETTING. I am all for the bakery setting. Delicious foodie descriptions = win. - It's also by the ocean, which makes it all the more whimsical. - There were chapter titles!! I LOVE those! <3 - I love how it had a very old-fashioned feel to it, with Polly being obsessed with Jane Austen and Anne of Green Gables and the like. - Fran is a sweetie. - Brad is hilarious. - And I love how poor Eddie just let's himself get pulled around by Polly. The poor, confused, guy... XD - And OMGOSH THAT ENDING. Mr. Nightquist and Miss Wiskerton getting married?! ADORABLE. I LOVE IT. <3
Low Lights - Polly. She annoyed me to absolutely no end. I get that she's trying to be charming and all, talking like a proper lady, but messing in other people's affairs?! Are you kidding?! Are really just so lost up in that perfect little world of yours that you can't take real life for what it is? This is obviously mended at the end, and she realizes her mistakes, big time. But still. - The characters were quite ordinary to me. They weren't badly written, not at all, but I found them to be a bit less than memorable. - Clementine was a TOTAL stereotype of an angsty teenager, which was slightly frustrating. I didn't like her character at all. The only thing her and I agreed on was that Polly was positively infuriating. XD - Yeah, Polly. I realize that there would be no story if she hadn't gotten herself into all these fine little predicaments, but it annoyed me very much that she was so insensitive to everybody.
Conclusion This was a fun, fluffy read. Aside from the main character being really frustrating, I loved the lovely writing and the delightful bakery setting. If you're looking for a light, quick summer read, you might consider picking this one up.
High Lights - I can't TELL you how many times I've read this, and I still love it the same every time. - The mile-a-minute humor is my FAVORITE. I find myself laughing more often than not. - Each section is incredibly interesting, and I've learned a lot from reading it many times over. - The illustrations are totally cute and clever. - There are just soooo many things that I never knew about until I read this! Like, mondegreens, pangrams, portmanteau words...It's a treasure trove for any writer.
Low Lights - None, honestly. I love this book SOOOO much!
Conclusion If you're looking for a cute, informative, light read, THIS IS IT. The humor is sparkling, illustrations are fantastic, and you may even learn something new. I highly recommend to any reader or writer!
High Lights - Okay, let's see...I really like the worldbuilding. I thought it was a really interesting world and I would love to see more stories in this setting. - TRUE BECK EVERYONE. Seriously, he's my favorite character. *nods* - I love the idea of the sirens and the three miracles, that was a really neat bit. - I actually liked Maire. I don't understand why everyone hated her in the book. Sure, she's a little strange, but nothing to hate her for. - True Beck, guys. True Beck. - And Fen, too. He's great. Yeah.
Low Lights - Rio was not a favorite. She seemed kind of like an emotionless robot. I didn't like her motives, and I didn't understand why she didn't trust Maire. I mean, come on, she's literally giving you an opportunity to go Above! Where you wanted to go! TAKE IT. - The plot moved so. slowly. I mean, I love action-packed novels, so I might be biased, but it seemed like this book was extra slow moving. - I wish the three miracles would've been explained better. The sirens, the bats, and Maire's work. Why bats? And how did the sirens get their powers? I know it says they 'became strong through the trials they faced' but that's not really an explanation. And seriously, why bats? What? - I really didn't understand why Bay just...totally left Rio to live Below by herself. I mean, she was trying to protect her, but wouldn't someone have found out sooner or later anyway? What was going Above going to do, really? - Also, WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH NEVIO. Did he die? Is he still alive? In prison? But couldn't he just escape if he was in prison, using his voice? CLOSURE PLEASE. - Lastly, I've come to realize that Condie's writing style is not one that I like. It's a good, unique writing style, but it's just not for me. I like feelings and emotions worked into the writing. But this was like reading a script of a movie. You have to imagine the feelings are there yourself. And that's work. And I want to read to escape from work. You feel me? - And it's not about mermaids. Wut. Ripoff, man.
Conclusion Wow, so I guess I had a lot of thoughts on this book. I guess I might recommend this to the right person. It's an interesting premise, but I don't think it was quite executed in the best way. But the worldbuilding was cool, and I would read it for the sole reason that is True Beck.