I think was my favorite of the three books I’ve read by Hannah Haze. I just loved the way the dynamic developed between all the characters.
I think I liked this one better because of the relationships that formed between Ford, Colt and River as well. It was so sweet to see them all admit they wanted each other too.
I did really like the theme of forgiveness in this book. I loved how the two packs and brothers came together again. It was so cute.
I also love how much these men worship Bea. She’s so kind and sweet she deserves their love and devotion.
The plot aspect was lacking a little. This book relied more heavily on relationship building. I wish we had a little more action as some scenes felt too short. But overall, I liked it!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This was actually so fun. I read it all in one day and had a great time.
I’m actually just as torn between the packs as Bea is. I loved Pack Boston more first. I really like Silver and Hardy. BUT I also really like Axel and Conner and Nate might be a favorite now. UGH so hard to choose.
Anyway, it’s a little cheesy. A bit ridiculous. But it’s cute and fun and slowwww burn. I’m diving into book 2!
Okay this was my first “omega verse” read, but yeah I’ll read more.
I actually thought this was pretty well written for what it was. I enjoyed the spice and the plot that was there. I liked the FMC, she was kind and badass at the same time.
I also liked the alphas too. My favorite was Green/Ryan followed closely Seth, a beta! I just wish we got more pov switching. I wanted at least one chapter from each guy.
I still don’t fully understand this universe though LOL
This book feels like it’s something everyone needs to read.
“He was intent on proving that “dying” was not synonymous with “useless”.”
A hateful, one star review on goodreads says “this book reads like a series of greeting cards” or something to that effect. I like that. I agree, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Greeting cards, most cards, are given to people in special unique moments of their lives. But they only exist because so many people go through those unique moments. Maybe we should appreciate those cards more than we do when we toss them in a drawer for a few weeks, months, years, and throw them in the garbage.
It’s hard for me to attribute a star rating to this book, it seems entirely against the point of it. How can you attribute a star rating to someone’s experience with life and dying? And at risk of sounding impermanent (I need a good joke after all these tears), how do say “hmm you lived and died okay, but it could have used more salt.”
But as the point for me is to leave others with a sense of familiarity, love, and maybe direction, I will give it 5 stars in the hopes it will encourage others to read it too.
If this book tells the reader anything, it’s that they are not alone. Maybe some might not think that’s very profound and if that’s the case I think you’re very lucky, or perhaps very unlucky. I think I feel lonely at least once a day. Sometimes in the moments I’m surrounded by the most people. While reading this book, I felt less alone. I felt like someone understood what I felt and had conquered it. If you don’t like this book maybe you’ve never felt that way (lucky) or maybe you do and can’t face it (unlucky).
Still, I think I read this book in a perfect moment. Not only do I appreciate Morrie’s aphorisms, and encouragement to embrace love and death in order to live life to the fullest, but I also appreciate how lost Mitch Albom seemed to be when he reconnected with Morrie.
“What happened to me?” He asks himself. How did I get here? How is this my daily life? When did I give up on my dreams, beliefs, and values? I think we all ask ourselves these questions. I hope Mitch found himself changed for the better. This book doesn’t necessarily give you the answers to these questions. It can’t because we all have different answers. It doesn’t answer the meaning of life because it can’t. We’ll always be searching for it. What it does give you, is one man’s experience with life and dying and the things he felt mattered most to him in the end. Maybe it could have said more.
Maybe if you read this book, you can finally make yourself answer those questions for yourself. And hopefully, you’ll actually do something with those answers. Hopefully, I do too.
Pirates, romance, magic, and swashbuckling action? What’s not to like about Beneath Black Sails?
I had a lot of fun with this read. I just ordered this author’s major hit and didn’t even realize I was already reading a book by her! Overall, I’m pleased and excited to read more of her work.
I really liked our FMC in this book. She’s fierce, powerful, and kind. Vice is also sexy and sex positive. This was refreshing as I feel like I’ve had a streak of blushing violets recently. Not that spice was the main focus of this book, we had one main spicy scene. Which is perfect for me.
I also liked Knigh’s character. I liked that his character was so wound right, a rule follower not a bad boy, and enjoyed seeing him come to terms with the fact that his strong moral compass can also lead him astray.
There was some great betray in this book and while it was predictable it still brought me to tears while I anticipated it’s buildup. I can’t wait for the groveling!
I hope we get to see more of the side characters develops in the next book as I enjoyed the glimpses we got. I’m also interested to see how the world building continues. There are a few side plots I’m interested in seeing develope. I think we will have some real villains come into play in the next few books.
I loved the conclusion to this epic fantasy romance!
This series is one of my all time favorite and already I’m planning on when I will give it a reread.
In this final installment for Thea and Wilder’s story we finally face the war that has been building in Thezmarr. But we start with a BANG at the Scarlet Tower rescuing Wilder. While I was glad they were reunited quickly I did think this was pretty fast. But again, I didn’t mind!
I thought the fighting and battle scenes were really well done. It was exciting and nail biting! In fact that really felt like the focus of this book.
Secondly, we have the romance. Wilder absolutely worships Thea and the ground she walks on. She love him fiercely. I love how often they said they loved each other in this. We had a lot to make up for following book three! The spice scenes were great as well.
With regard to the side characters, Cal and Kip had their banter but I wish we saw more of them. I loved the growing dynamic between the three sisters. It brought me to tears. Of course, the twist at the end there was crazy! I sobbed!
I loved the glimpses of Due and Tal and Ryland. I need to read Tal’s book so bad! I loved seeing his relationship mended with Wilder.
My favorite part was the way the prophecy played out. It melded together to well, the final show down gave me chills.
There are some unanswered questions at the end but of course, that’s because we’re not done with the world of Thezmarr! This book clearly sets up Wren and Torj’s story and I can not wait for it!
I’m not very well versed in the thriller/mystery genre so I’m not sure how reliable my rating for experience with this book is. Never the less I’ll do my best.
This book is definitely filled with a lot of small clues, twists, turns, and to that end I did find it very engaging. To a certain extent I did not expect the killer to be who it was.
However, I found there to be a lot going on in this book and yet not enough actually happened. Most of the lies did come together at the end but I was left a little unsatisfied. Specifically, I found the truth about the murders to be anticlimactic.
In addition, the deterioration of the house added a bit of a fantastical element to the story that took me out of the mystery aspect of things.
I found almost every character to be unlikable. Especially our narrator, Kit, who claims to be paranoid and convinced she’s going to the next victim. And yet trusts almost everyone one she bumps into with whatever new tid but of information she has discovered. Despite being pretty dumb throughout this novel, non of that even catches up with her. I’ll leave that to you to decide whether that is fortunate or not!
Overall, this is definitely a page turner that keeps you guessing to the end. Whether you like that end or not is what may cause you to enjoy it better or worse than I did.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I’m not usually one to be too brutal in a review and I’m going to try my best.
Let me start with, I WANTED to like this book. In fact, going into this I thought I was the perfect target audience for this book. I love fantasy romance books. I’ve read a fair amount of them. On top of that I have seen this book around a lot. I have seen it on lists next other titles I LOVED such as Trials of the Sun Queen, Blood & Steel, The Bridge Kingdom, etc.
But this book just did NOT do it for me. I will say I’m partly to blame because I felt it in the first few chapters but I thought to myself, “Hey, it’s the first book we’re just meeting these characters and everything is warming up. Keep going.” So I did. And I had to force myself to finish.
To be fair I’ll start with the pros. There was potential with this plot line. I see the merit of the ideas. In this world humans are born with magic but it is taken from them at birth as “sacrifices” to the gods and a tiny kernel of magic is returned to them once they turn 25. Sometimes babies retain their magic and they are considered “unworthy” by the gods and should that magic be discovered (at any age) those people are executed. Of course, we have a currupt King and everything is not what it seems. And our FMC is a “chosen one”.
The FMC has time magic, she can freeze time. I really liked this power. I haven’t seen it before so that was cool. And there was some found family vibes at one point.
However, despite the potential the writing felt dry. The characters felt empty. The plot felt like bullet points rather than a story.
Our FMC, Prisca, was just a shadow of some of the greatest fantasy romance protagonists out there. She was trying to be badass, and vengeful, and sassy, but came across irrational, naive at best and stupidly rash at worst. And yet every mistake she made ended up playing out for her and even fixing the biggest problems she was facing? She faced almost no consequences for the poor decisions she made because they ended up benefiting her in the most ridiculous ways.
Her entire world and identity and faith system is upended and a lie and she asked no questions. So we got no answers. But she does think about killing people a lot?
Our MMC. Not much to say. He’s a big, grumpy jerk who apparently fell in love with our girl because she killed two people? I guess. To be fair, he kind of puts up with a lot, but so did I.
The ending was pretty fun I guess. It’s a cliff hanger but I’m pretty sure I won’t read the next one. Unless I’m bored and just too curious XD
Anyway, unfortunately I could keep going with this, but I’ll leave at that.
I liked this book, possibly even more than the first book!
I really loved how much description we got for the romance. How much growth we got of Basten and Sabine’s love as well as their own internal growth. Dare I say I’m obsessed with Sabine. She’s awesome!
I will say I was hoping to get more from Rain’s character. I wish we could have had his POV in this book because he’s such a hard nut to crack but I really like his character and think there is a lot of potential there.
The ending STOLE MY BREATH AWAY! I’m so excited for book 3 I can’t WAIT to see where this goes from here! I’m crying!