notguilty's reviews
1826 reviews

Not Catching Love by Saxon James

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A slow burn involving Xander, the last uninvolved member of Bertha Boys, and Derek, a Nurse that Xander frequently turns to in a crisis.

It’s a difficult story, Xander has a serious mental health issue and it also involves the idea of a medical professional becoming involved with a patient.

Xander has a lot of struggles and fears and it’s played a significant role in his friend's lives, but also in Derek’s who has put his life on hold to be there for him, which is sweet and also disturbingly co-dependent. It was great that they found a way forward and some healing, but I have to admit, I don’t really like Xander.  He’s a bit of jerk and extremely manipulative and it’s not just because of his mental health diagnosis. Of course, he does grow on you, especially once he decides to address his issues.

But I will miss these boys and of course Bertha.

Happily Never After by Ava Olsen

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Do you love a good hate rivalry? Then Harrison and Aaron will get you riled like no one's business.

They bicker and push each other's buttons endlessly, while they both try and figure out how to work together to save the company. It provides a lot of amusement and tension!

It’s amazing what a moment can do to your life and how it can steer the rest of it. But when these two finally uncover their motivations they find the love and support they both need and deserve. 

Savage by Ella Frank, Brooke Blaine

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This was damn good! Intrigue, mystery, suspense, crimefighting, uber-wealthy, hidden world…seriously it had everything. Brooke and Ella do it again!

Lachlan is an amazing character. Super smart, very wealthy and a little rebellious & reckless. Love him. It makes him super intriguing and attractive. He’s the bad boy we all fall so hard for.

And we are all Cooper (okay me, maybe not you). Well-meaning, a little naive, but on a mission to do good making him a little reckless himself. And that boy loves a sexy superhero.

Totally can’t get enough of them and I would totally read multiple books about this crimefighting, slightly kinky couple. But I’m equally excited to learn more about this fascinating group of men.

Mad For Madison by Hayden Hall, Hayden Hall

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Ah, my heart. These two may have won out for my favourite of the series.  Such a sweet, touching, and compassionate story.

Our favourite bartender is a pretty amazing single dad to a great little girl who is going to wonders for space and dinosaurs. Bradley is sweet and loyal and crushing on the enigma of man who lives across the street from the bar, Madison.

Madison is a complicated guy, with a tender heart and a fear of not being worthy. He’s been hiding himself from pretty much everyone, but when Bradley works his way past the walls, a bright future is in reach.  Which can be a scary thing.

I love the way they balance each other, and the thought and care they take with one another. And the way they come into themselves.

But also grandmas for the win!!

All I Want by Abrianna Denae

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Obsessed with this one! I was hooked and stressed and in love.  The style flips between present and past, which I like, though I was frequently hating it because I so invested in finding how it was going to work out. LOL. But really, I enjoyed the slow reveal of how they got to where they were while keeping you guessing about where it’s going.

If you love mafia romance, lots of blood and violence, but also some pretty incredible love…you will want to read this. Just be prepared to not want to do anything else.
The Witch's Grumpy Dragon by Michele Notaro

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I have a serious love for dragons…especially grumpy ones.

This is an excellent audiobook. Michael Lesley is thoroughly engaging and brings it to life.  I didn’t want it to stop.

Garrick and Tan are such wonderful characters. 

Garrick is a reclusive dragon King and it’s such a compelling backstory that brought him to this point. I can’t imagine what he’s lived through. 

And I love Tan, such a great heart who sees the good even before he understands Garrick.

The whole story is fascinating and as the story unfolds and more information is revealed you become obsessed with finding out how it ends. Because you will be ready to fight beside them for their happy ending.

Searching for the Prince by Rebecca Cohen

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Our two pinning bff’s have finally admitted their love and committed themselves, but it’s not that easy when you’re a prince with a vampire without connections. Unless you help solve a case.

Gwil and Hyax and a lot of fun, especially when they a snarking, but they also make a great team.

This has some political intrigue, royal fae traditions,, mysteries, and some interesting bonded magic. I’m certainly committed to finding out where the underlying plots and characters lead.

Goaltender Interference by Brigham Vaughn

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Brigham is a fantastic writer who always creates stories that you become highly invested in,  They write stories that are low-ish angst but deep and thoughtful. And though this story is LONG it delivers a chance to really sink into the characters and the storyline. And given the subject matter, like a closeted athlete who has to struggle with his religion to come to terms with himself, the chance to not gloss over it all is beautiful.

Connor is an O’Shea… which means a large, loud, chaotic, and hockey-loving family. He has two kids and an ex-wife.  And he’s captain of his hockey team. And he’s in the closet. It’s a lot. But it becomes even more so when Jesse Webber gets traded to his team. The young brash and wild playboy. He lives up to his nickname - Chaos Demon!

It’s an entertaining and emotional partnership and it earns every one of its 500+ pages.

Comforting the Grump by Nora Phoenix

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There is always something about someone finding love later in life, which is why I love this series.  And it’s extra special when that someone has spent a lifetime believing they are not worthy, discovering they absolutely are. 

Marning and Ennio may seem like an unexpected pairing; the sunshiney romantic and the grumpy playboy but what they share is loyalty and balance.  Marnin’s cancer scare gives him a fresh perspective which helps to open him to Ennio’s presence and the prospect of love.

What they both discover is a person who will be there for them through anything (and some really good sex!).

It’s a thoughtful and warm story that has a lot of depth, and it was wonderful to finally get their story.

And oh man, that scene with Marnin and Sheriff Frant senior - gah, crying
The Year of Us- January by E.M. Denning, Kate Hawthorne

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Definitely an intriguing start to an episodic novella series by cheeky BFF’s EM Denning and Kate Hawthorne.

Wealthy traveller meets bartender in a very sexy and hot one-night stand. A battle of control and submission between two guys are going to find it very hard to forget the other and where they both come out winners. 

Sometimes an encounter leaves you wanting more, and this will definitely leave you wanting more. Thankfully we’ll be getting 11 more.