notemilygrace's reviews
99 reviews

Woman, Eating by Claire Kohda

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if you love the genre of sad girl books, look no further. this had a very similar vibe to "my year of rest and relaxation," and by that i mean there's not much going on! she's a vampire, she's broody, what else really matters <3

first of all, there should've been a trigger warning for mommy issues :') i was a little blindsided (but not in a bad way!). i think this was a powerful novel about identity, our relationship with food and eating disorders, and also baba yaga
Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors

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the majority of my time spent reading this book, i could only wonder why it’s named after two of the more uninteresting characters. the shift of their relationship dynamic was uncomfortable (but i do love books that make you uncomfortable). i loved every single point of view from all of the characters and i only wish we got to spend more time with some of them (namely quintin, zoe, and eleanor). i’m still traumatised from the whole sugar glider thing
Normal People by Sally Rooney

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you don't need me to tell you how good this book is. it has so many awards that i'm not even going to list them all here for you. just know that this shit is fire, and i'm late to the party!!!

this is another book that i've read recently where i can't seem to put it down. marianne and connell are such wonderful and deep characters, i usually hate books that switch points of views only because i prefer one character and get annoyed when its not their point of view. but their points of views were both magical in every way, and i'm glad that a few of the scenes were from both.

this book talks about class, sex, gender, and what it means to make room for others. i look forward to reading m0re from sally rooney in the near future!
A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers

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i accidentally deleted my review ): but i really can only say "good for her"

BGOTB is her friend who i believe is named emma i cant remember SORRY
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood

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i really enjoyed how much more world building this book had over the first book. some of aunt lydia’s sections were dragging on and on, which is why this book took me so long to read and why i give 4 stars. BGOTB goes to becka
Angels Before Man by rafael nicolás

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first of all, i don’t know why i was rooting for a happy ending in a book about the FALL of SATAN. i’m a fool. good thing: the sequel is coming out SOON!!!

this is making me redefine “babygirl.” my obvious choice for BGOTB is lucifer. he’s baby, he’s bad, what more could you want?? however. the Baby Girl of the Book award is being given to rosier. angel of fruit and angel of baby girl. maybe the only one here who does no wrong.
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

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jesus christ. 2024 is off to a bleak start.

this book was so beautiful. it was so fucked up. i am so fucked up. goodreads sent me a notification that said “you finished a little life. what’s next?” i dont even know dude. i don’t even know where to go from here

BGOTB is tough for this one. there are a lot of strong contenders. all of them are so dear to me. however, maybe controversially, i’m awarding BGOTB to JB.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

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as an enjoyer of the TV series, i was expecting a lot more. still a great book on its own, just a lot less drama. as for BGOTB, this is baby girl galore. june, ofglen, moira, janine???? who am i to pick only one baby girl. actually, baby women. i love them dearly.
Book Lovers by Emily Henry

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found this book in a free little library and i really enjoyed it