nikkileighreads's reviews
668 reviews

Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth

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I am a big fan of Sally Hepworth, and this kept the theme going. The beginning had been a little slow, keeping track of all the people coming and going, and the timelines, but the second half was near perfect. I liked how supportive the sisters were of each other, how each one's story finished out, and how the twists were revealed. 

This was provided to me by St. Martin's Press and NetGalley
Out Cold: A Chilling Descent into the Macabre, Controversial, Lifesaving History of Hypothermia by Philip Jaekl

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Overall I had a decent time reading this. A lot of the medical stuff was fascinating. 
Business Casual by B.K. Borison

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LOVED! I love everything BK Borison. I loved the whole Lovelight world, I loved Charlie and Nova. I loved both of their journeys and their story. I am so sad to be leaving behind this world but it was a great end to a really enjoyable series. 
The Lover by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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I enjoyed this, I was just left wanting more. More details and more story to it. Loved the writing in it and loved what we got though. 
Merry Ever After by Tessa Bailey

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I’m sorry. What?!

Coming back later to add to this. I truly was baffled by how not great this was. I am glad others enjoyed it because I was left wondering what the heck I just read. 
A Pack for Winter by Eliana Lee

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I had no expectations for this going in. I saw it on social media and thought, hey why not, and I really enjoyed this. The coziness was great, the story and character growth was so fun to follow, and I just all around had a good time. 
My December Darling by Lauren Asher

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I loved this. I loved Catalina and I loved Luke and I loved them together. Lauren Asher is a favorite of mine and this really just nailed it. I want more of them!!!
She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
I just cant keep myself engaged in this story.
Nowhere Like Home by Sara Shepard

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I'm unfortunately DNF'ing this book. I got about 10% in and have tried multiple times to pick it back up and get back into it, but the premise and how many characters it has is not catching my attention. So far everyone seems a bit unlikeable and I just haven't been as big of a fan as normal when it comes to unlikeable main characters. I am rating this three stars because so far the writing is good and if I get back into a groove with this style of writing, I would consider picking it back up.