Disappointed tbh. I expected a masterpiece, but what I got was an overindulgent mess of philosophical crap, John Keans mentions and women getting wet the moment any man touches them. Also, the endless comparisons of certain emotions to orgasms.
I really liked the stories of The Priest, The Poet and The Scholar but the other three were an absolute snoozefest which made me less sympathetic for those three characters.
The prose was a bit difficult for me, which sometimes detracted from truly understanding what a character was seeing or feeling.
Reading all of this for absolutely no resolution is mind-boggling. I am not going to read another 500 page book to learn what happens to people I barely even care about after the first 500.
I was already bored and pushed through The Dragon Republic, and this book is no better. I am tired of Vin's pretentiousness. I am tired of R F Kuang's inability to describe something without her using brute force and just skip to the next thing. Why are a bunch of new characters introduced to the final book of a trilogy? I literally dont care about any of them, of course. The only thing that kept me going with the last book was Rin and Nezha's kind of relationship and getting revenge on Su Daji. Both are gone and were supposed to be replaced by getting revenge on the Republic for betraying us but this start to the book is just Rin arguing and arguing and whining and stomping her feet with everyone that doesn't give her what she wants.
Shut the fuck up Rin, for once in your miserable life!
Also got spoiled about something in the ending, while reading a review of this book, and it pissed me the fuck off.