moth_meg's reviews
155 reviews

Things We Have in Common by Tasha Kavanagh

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This book was absolutely horrifying and I couldn't put it down.
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

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Just as amazing as [b:A Darker Shade of Magic|22055262|A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic, #1)|V.E. Schwab||40098252]. This book is addictive and Schwab's world building is incredible. The Element Games were really cool- the Triwizard Tournament meets The Last Air Bender. All the characters get some great development. I'm glad we got the chance to hear about things from Rhy's perspective. I was really interested to see how the dynamic between characters had changed following the events of the last book, and Schwab does an awesome job, especially regarding the King and Queen's strained relationship with Kell. I'm a bit bitter about the cliff hanger ending but very excited to read the next book!