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mndyreads's reviews
422 reviews
Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas
Look I just don’t love the police force/ special agent type characters. But Ethan is a major Irish babe so was able to pull it off but it isn’t my fav although has my fav line in the series so far
Sixty-Seven Days by Yvonne Weldon
Look I could sense what was happening before it happened but when it happened I was still shocked and upset lol because I really didn’t want it to happen
A few other things felt a bit coincidental but I do believe real life is crazier than fiction so maybe it was me being a bit critical. Would be a good book to re read in a couple of years. I found the description of indigenous culture and land so fascinating and beautiful
A few other things felt a bit coincidental but I do believe real life is crazier than fiction so maybe it was me being a bit critical. Would be a good book to re read in a couple of years. I found the description of indigenous culture and land so fascinating and beautiful
Devil in Spring by Lisa Kleypas
Can’t stop won’t stop. Is this my favourite of the 3? Arghhhh I don’t know. I’m genuinely concerned for my welfare because I cannot stop reading about this damn family 😂😂😂😂
Marrying Winterborne by Lisa Kleypas
Me reading this book is the equivalent to me inhaling a hectic burger
Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood
Fun times! Ali was just what I needed also I really do love learning about women in stem in this way
Cold-Hearted Rake by Lisa Kleypas
Great! Can’t wait to devour the series and end the year on a happy ending !
The Perfect Find by Tia Williams
I wish I read the synopsis/ saw leens good reads review on this before I wasted my time.
I read because I LOVED her second book, liked her third and love Gabrielle union who has since turned this book into a Netflix series
Ummmm wow yeah not good and I’m fucking over an age gap. Like ENOUGHHHHHHHHHH
I read because I LOVED her second book, liked her third and love Gabrielle union who has since turned this book into a Netflix series
Ummmm wow yeah not good and I’m fucking over an age gap. Like ENOUGHHHHHHHHHH
Intermezzo by Sally Rooney
I think ultimately I reduced 25bps for this because I just didn’t like Naomi and I’m probably too much of a traditionalist for where their story ended
I thought I knew where this story was going. Or. Because I had friends talking about certain aspects, I thought I knew how I was going to feel. Well! lol. Sally rooney wins again.
This is all jumble and won’t be cohesive because I’ve just finished it and my mind is racing
I think that this book took a while for me to understand the writing style because no one writes lien sally. And every novel I’ve been reading is so normal in comparison. I also think turning a page and seeing a whole page of just words and no paragraphs does something to your brain and puts it in over drive. This was a lot harder to know when people were all of. You really had to think
Margaret was a saint. I loved her character! Grateful I had her to keep going back to.
At the beginning I really like Ivan and felt for him quite a bit and Peter was frustrating. Knowing that a friend told me she liked Peter, I kept waiting for the ball to drop and thinking she was just wrong.
Anyways!!! She wasn’t.
Those last fights between the brothers. My gosh. Ivan was infuriating. I felt so bad for Peter it was heartbreaking. And also concerning lol I thought that boy was gonna really hurt himself.
I liked the comparison between Peter and Margaret. Also, safe to say that I still errrr on what Peter is doing with Naomi a little wrong but not Ivan and Margaret. Maybe because we didn’t get inside Naomi’s head? Their meet up was great. I loved seeing Peter on his ass and letting Ivan be a little smug bug
Sylvia frustrated me because I wanted her to just let Peter be happy with her lol. And I think my main issue with Naomi and Peter is that I didn’t at all get the feeling that they were actually in love. That it was just infatuation and convenience so the ending didn’t feel right
Sally knows how to get in your head and really makes you feel like you are those characters. I always felt so anxious when I was Ivan. And with Peter - the self doubt!
Maybe that’s why I liked Margaret. She was quiet, thoughtful. Calmer than them both!
The amount of times I had to put this book down just to SIGH! Constantly had to re read a page just to spend 5 minutes dissecting the feelings.
The jump shock I got when the boys were fighting and Peter brought up Ivan’s misogynist issues in the past. I felt betrayed by the little weasel even if it was his younger self.
Both those boys are very white men but trying to be ”modern” and lol don’t we all know those types
I loved the dynamic between brothers. It was beautifully explored. I’m grateful we got to get this , rather than sisters it was a nice change
I dislike age gap books but I did like the fact sally was playing on hypocrisy (even in my own head) and so that was a nice new take on it
I’m not sure I could pick this book up again and re read because the Naomi and sylvania thing is too frustrating for me. It’s better than the normal people ending, but still. The only book I can re read of sallys is BWWAY - and yes that is because I need happy endings. So I might go do that now. BYE
I think ultimately I reduced 25bps for this because I just didn’t like Naomi and I’m probably too much of a traditionalist for where their story ended
I thought I knew where this story was going. Or. Because I had friends talking about certain aspects, I thought I knew how I was going to feel. Well! lol. Sally rooney wins again.
This is all jumble and won’t be cohesive because I’ve just finished it and my mind is racing
I think that this book took a while for me to understand the writing style because no one writes lien sally. And every novel I’ve been reading is so normal in comparison. I also think turning a page and seeing a whole page of just words and no paragraphs does something to your brain and puts it in over drive. This was a lot harder to know when people were all of. You really had to think
Margaret was a saint. I loved her character! Grateful I had her to keep going back to.
At the beginning I really like Ivan and felt for him quite a bit and Peter was frustrating. Knowing that a friend told me she liked Peter, I kept waiting for the ball to drop and thinking she was just wrong.
Anyways!!! She wasn’t.
Those last fights between the brothers. My gosh. Ivan was infuriating. I felt so bad for Peter it was heartbreaking. And also concerning lol I thought that boy was gonna really hurt himself.
I liked the comparison between Peter and Margaret. Also, safe to say that I still errrr on what Peter is doing with Naomi a little wrong but not Ivan and Margaret. Maybe because we didn’t get inside Naomi’s head? Their meet up was great. I loved seeing Peter on his ass and letting Ivan be a little smug bug
Sylvia frustrated me because I wanted her to just let Peter be happy with her lol. And I think my main issue with Naomi and Peter is that I didn’t at all get the feeling that they were actually in love. That it was just infatuation and convenience so the ending didn’t feel right
Sally knows how to get in your head and really makes you feel like you are those characters. I always felt so anxious when I was Ivan. And with Peter - the self doubt!
Maybe that’s why I liked Margaret. She was quiet, thoughtful. Calmer than them both!
The amount of times I had to put this book down just to SIGH! Constantly had to re read a page just to spend 5 minutes dissecting the feelings.
The jump shock I got when the boys were fighting and Peter brought up Ivan’s misogynist issues in the past. I felt betrayed by the little weasel even if it was his younger self.
Both those boys are very white men but trying to be ”modern” and lol don’t we all know those types
I loved the dynamic between brothers. It was beautifully explored. I’m grateful we got to get this , rather than sisters it was a nice change
I dislike age gap books but I did like the fact sally was playing on hypocrisy (even in my own head) and so that was a nice new take on it
I’m not sure I could pick this book up again and re read because the Naomi and sylvania thing is too frustrating for me. It’s better than the normal people ending, but still. The only book I can re read of sallys is BWWAY - and yes that is because I need happy endings. So I might go do that now. BYE
How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang
This earned an extra 0.5 star for this line “stop being a cunt and tell us what the deal is with your date”.
Nicole !!!! You will always be a friend to me <3
When Helen gets into a car crash I rolled my eyes so hard my head started to hurt.
ALSO if my kids are ever in the hospital and they don’t let me see them IMMEDIATELY I would as a parent be burning the hospital down until I saw them. What in the name of lord Jesus Christ was with her making her parents wait !!!!! After they have had a child die in a car accident.
I found the third person narration odd. And I think the ending had toooooooo much of a neat tidy bow to it. Will still read her future books. I am excited for her Emily Henry adaptation.
Nicole !!!! You will always be a friend to me <3
When Helen gets into a car crash I rolled my eyes so hard my head started to hurt.
ALSO if my kids are ever in the hospital and they don’t let me see them IMMEDIATELY I would as a parent be burning the hospital down until I saw them. What in the name of lord Jesus Christ was with her making her parents wait !!!!! After they have had a child die in a car accident.
I found the third person narration odd. And I think the ending had toooooooo much of a neat tidy bow to it. Will still read her future books. I am excited for her Emily Henry adaptation.