mizzmarie's reviews
281 reviews

When Night Falls by AJ Nicole

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First I would like to say thank you to the Author for the early copy to read.
I fell in love with the world AJ built for us in this story and the atmosphere had a very gothic vampire aesthetic that I have missed in PNR romance books. There were moments when both our FMC and MMC drove me crazy with their refusal to just communicate with each other but their relationship had me hooked all the way through and invested. I did not see that ending though and feel like My heart was ripped out.
The Witches' Blade by A.K. Mulford

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I was so excited to be given an ARC copy of this book. This book was amazing! I loved the first one so reading the 2nd one I was not sure how I would feel and while it didn't grip me quite as quickly as the first one it did stand its own in this series. This book was a mix of relatable characters unending adventure, ups and downs and just left me hanging on until the very end. I can not wait to get my hands on the 3rd book I continue to fall more and more in love with each of these characters.
Skin by Ally Wagner

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Absolutely beautifully written had me intrigued from the beginning and anxious for the next book! Giving me a subtle Anita Blake vine that I'm living for.
King of Battle and Blood by Scarlett St. Clair

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I loved this book first and for most I'm gonna say that. However I do feel like the enemies to lovers portion could have been drawn out a little bit and personally if they were going to make her remember her past life they could have also hinted at her gaining some of the powers she lost. I can not wait to read the next book in this series and see where the progress takes us.
The Rogue Crown by A.K. Mulford

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I was lucky to receive an advanced copy of this book and I was thrilled. I have been reading the series since the first one came out and Bri has been a top favorite character from the beginning so getting to go along and learn more about her and accompany her on this journey was so much fun. The Rogue Crown just proved that A.K knows what she is doing and which direction she wants to take her characters without having to back track and over explains. This book was beautifully written and full of twists and turns love and fighting and the usual bantering we have grown to love. Not only does she allow us to follow different POVs in the story but she makes sure that none of the other character get left behind we also get to keep up with them and how they are growing throughout the series. Waiting for the 4th book may kill me but I know it will be worth the wait!!!!