mistysbookspace's reviews
916 reviews

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

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 I started this book back in October and it took me until now to finish it. Not because it was a bad book because it wasn't my reading has just been off these last 6 months of the year. I also buddy read this one with Jonny who has been waiting on me to finish it so we can discuss it and post a buddy reads and rants post which will hopefully be coming soon. I didn't realize this was Aiden Thomas' debut novel but man what a debut it was. I loved learning about the Latinx culture. It's something I wasn't really familiar with before picking this up. I really just loved so much about this book it's hard to talk about everything without spoiling it. I only had 2 issues with this book while reading it and they didn't really detract all that much from my enjoyment. I loved Julian from the jump however there were times where his behavior was a bit annoying and a little over the top in my opinion but by the end I loved him so much. The romance!! I didn't know how this would play out and I was fully expecting to get my heartbroken and I did just not in the way I was expecting. I loved the romance with every part of my being, but I felt like it kind of took over the plot. There's a bit of a mystery throughout the book and they are trying to figure out what has happened to the kids who have gone missing but that takes a backseat to the romance plot. I feel like they weren't balanced. That being said I truly loved this book so much and I can't wait to read more by this author. 
The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn

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 This is the last book in the Smythe-Smith Quartet by Julia Quinn and I buddy read this and the rest of the books in this series with Ashley. This one started out good. We know the MMC has to get married quick, and he has a secret. I had no idea what the secret was going to be. Both characters have great communication in the beginning which led me to believe that whatever the secret was the MMC would talk about it with the FMC but that was not the case. He kept putting off telling her until the he had no choice but to tell her and even then, he wasn't the one to come clean. I hated the way the MMC handle this, and I hated him even more after the secret was finally revealed. He started acting in a way that was out of character for him and it just made the whole situation worse. As for the rest I did actually enjoy most of this book. If you took the MMC out of it, it would have been perfect. 
Season's Creepings: Tales of Holiday Horror by Ronald Kelly

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 Y'all are probably looking at this cover/title thinking this isn't something she would usually read, and you would be correct, but this year I've been trying to step out of my comfort zone a little and read things I wouldn't typically read. When Destiny asked if I wanted to buddy read this one with her, I said yes of course. I didn't go in with any expectations, but I was blown away by this collection of short stories. This is my first book by this author, and it definitely won't be my last. This is a collection of 10 short stories and with the exception of a couple they were all amazing. You have some that didn't feel so much like horror but were still really good. There was one that went completely over my head, one I felt like I needed more from and one that was a little less unbelievable but still good. The rest of them were really good and had me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen. Some of them were more on the cute side than horror but still so good and then of course there were some true horror ones. Overall, I really enjoyed this collection of short stories, and I think it's the best one I have ever read. 
The Waking Dream by Sage Steadman

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 I got this book through Booktasters on Instagram in exchange for my honest review. When I joined, they sent me links to 6 different books to choose from and I decided to go for this one for 2 reasons. The first being that the synopsis sounded intriguing, and it was the shortest book being offered and I wanted to start out easy. I didn't really go into this one with any expectations, but I am so glad that I ended up enjoying it so much. The epilogue and the prologue are from the present, but the majority of the book is about what happened in 1996. This book tackles a lot of hard topics, and I feel like it was done in a respectful and authentic way. The author did an amazing job of pulling me in and keeping me hooked. It's not often that I read a short book, and I'm fully invested in all of the characters. Usually, I just don't feel like I had enough time with the characters but that was not the case with this book. I was cheering the characters on while reading this and getting my heart broken over and over again. By the end I was in tears. My only complaint and the reason it wasn't a full 5 stars was because of the epilogue and prologue. They didn't flow well with the whole story. They just felt out of place and unneeded to me. 
Kink in the Road by Evie Mitchell

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 This was the first book I read by this author, but I do have several of her books on my TBR some of which I own in eBook format. This is the first book in a new series, and it was a short quick read coming in at less than 100 pages. This was a fun quick read with some steam and cuteness thrown in. My biggest complaint is that it desperately needed another round or two of editing. I don't expect a book to be without some flaws but when the mistakes are happening so often and taking you out of the story and therefore messing with your enjoyment of the book, I have to mention it. Overall, I thought this was an ok book. While it wasn't a favorite, I will give this author another go. 
Tastes Like Candy by Ivy Tholen

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 I saw someone talking about this book not that long ago but now I can't remember who it was. I looked up the book and thought it sounded like something I would enjoy plus I've been trying to read more horror this year and thought this would be perfect. By the time I picked this book up to read I had completely forgotten that it was YA. I actually don't mind YA books, but this one bugged me a little bit. Before we go any further this is probably going to be a little bit spoilery so if you are interested in reading this then I suggest skipping the rest of this review. I buddy read this one with Destiny although she did end up DNFing it early on and I can't blame her because I considered DNFing it several times myself. My first thought while reading this was that it was taking way too long to get to the murder. I was about 45% into before anything started happening. My biggest complaint was the use of drugs. I get that they are teenagers (16-17) and they are going to do stuff like this and experiment but when it comes to books about murder, I don't want to read about drug induced paranoia. I want the real thing. Some of the girls were higher than others so luckily, I didn't have to read through everyone's paranoia, but I did have to read a few, and I hated that. I had an idea who the killer was, and I ended up being correct. I will say the author didn't hold back on the gruesome details which I liked. As for the reasoning for the murder spree it was so freaking ridiculous. Oh, you got canceled on social media and don't know what your future holds after high school, so you are going to kill all your friends because they know what they are going to be doing, please. If this book didn't include the drugs and had a better reasoning for the murders, I could have enjoyed it more. I also have to give the author props for continuously getting me to keep reading. Every time I would be considering DNFing it I would read something that made me want to keep reading. After finishing this and reading the synopsis for the next book I don't think I will be continuing with the next book. 
They Thirst by Robert R. McCammon

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 I read this with the #KeeperofKing group on Instagram this month. I started out physically reading it and I was struggling with it. I was seriously considering DNFing it just a few chapters in, but I was finally able to get the audiobook of it and that helped me a lot. This one ended up just being ok for me. There were so many characters, and I struggled to keep up with who was who especially since it switched between the different characters with each chapter. I wanted to love this one more than I did. If y'all have been following me for a while, then you know I love vampire books so this sounded like something I would love. When it's a fight between humans and vampires I want the humans to at least have a fighting chance but with these vampires the humans literally had no chance. I didn't like McCammon's take on vampires unfortunately and the ending was a big letdown for me. 
Courting the Krampus by Elle Sterling

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 This is the 3rd book in the Monsters of Alberad series and the best one so far in my opinion. First off what an opening line. That one will stick with me for a while for sure. I love how we did get a little recap on what happened in the first book, but it was short and sweet and to the point. I loved the banter between Natalie, Jaspers and Cole. I pretty much had a permanent smile on my face while reading this. I also got giddy at times reading it. I loved how all 3 of the main characters were confident in the sexuality and knew what they wanted and wasn't afraid to talk about it with each other. If you didn't know this is a why choose MMF romance. It's very steamy which I of course love. This was almost a full 5 star read for me but in the last half I lost that giddy feeling I had while reading the first half. I can't wait for the next book in the series. 
The Kingdom of Copper by S.A. Chakraborty

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
This is just a DNF for now. I plan to come back to it in the new year. 
Run on Your New Legs, Vol. 1 by Wataru Midori

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 This Manga was brought to my attention by someone in a discord group that I am a part of. Being a double amputee myself I'm always looking for books with this rep, so I immediately put a hold on it at my library and I'm so glad I did because I really enjoyed it. I can't speak on the running with prosthesis rep because I'm not familiar with that, but I can speak on other things that have to do with prosthesis. There were several times while reading this where I was like yes that so accurate like for instance when it talks about trying to get around in crowds while wearing prothesis. It's not easy which is why when I was in school, I was always allowed to leave class 5 minutes early so I could get to my locker and my other class before the bell rings, and everybody was swarming the hole. It was even harder for me because I also had to use crutches so those could easily be kicked out from under me. Anyways that's just one example of where I felt seen for the first time while reading a book. The only thing that I felt weird about was how the prosthetist and the main character meet and start working together. That felt a little sketchy to me but maybe things are done differently in Japan. I've already put a hold on the 2nd vol. and I'm really looking forward to continuing on in the series.