minervaxyz's reviews
368 reviews

Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 44%.
i can't stand the writing style. I felt like I could have written it and i am not a professional writer. Or as if it was written by an alien trying to imitate how humans think and speak. 

awfuk. corny. clichéd.
The Glass Town Game by Catherynne M. Valente

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my christmas book. i read it everyday december 
Collected Poems by Sylvia Plath

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i liked a good bunch of them, yep
El trono de jazmín by Tasha Suri

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promete promete
not my fave pero si de los pocos fantasia YA que me han convencido lately
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe

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speedrun de los libros de New Journalism en los que voy atrasada. me he enterado de 0 unidades de contenido tbh😬🙌🏽
Wordslut by Amanda Montell

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i agree and learned a lot, even if a few points here and there…i don’t entirely subscribe to and i do think they are streched to fit a narrative (a narrative i do initially support  tho, but some arguments (1 or 2, but some) i don’t agree with)

but i overall learned a lot and her examples, references and linguistic phenomena she focuses on were deeply interesting and clever.
Illumination Rounds by Michael Herr

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speedrun de los libros de New Journalism en los que voy atrasada. me he enterado de 0 unidades de contenido tbh😬🙌🏽
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

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i never thought this day would come, finishing A little life.....