mayajoelle's reviews
743 reviews

North! or Be Eaten by Andrew Peterson

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Watching AP read this aloud via FB live was one of the best parts of quarantine. And this book has one of the *best* endings I've ever read.

She seemed older, no longer shocked that such a thing could happen in the world, but heartbroken because it had. Her tears struck Janner as the right kind of tears.

reread 6/6/2017
reread 5/6/2020
The Monster in the Hollows by Andrew Peterson

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I love this book. It would be my favorite Wingfeather if if weren't for book 4.

And in my weakness, I alone know your need. Hear me, son. I loved you when you were born. I loved you when I wept in the Deeps of Throg. I loved you even as you sang the song that broke you. And I love you now in the glory of your humility.

reread 6/2/2017
reread November 2020
The Door Before by N.D. Wilson

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Here's the thing: I really, really didn't want NDW to combine his Ashtown and 100 Cupboards worlds. Really. They work so well separately, and I was afraid of a messy, confusing world like the one we get in the MCU.

But it works.

So I don't really have any complaints. This book ties together the Ashtown and 100C series so well. It's fun to read. It's good.

The biggest problems I have are...
a) the creepy mushroom magic is probably too much for most people in the target age range
b) you kind of need to read the entire 100C and Ashtown series if you want to understand it
c) it's so very short

Not a great place to start with NDW, but definitely a must-read on your journey through his books.

read 4/6/2018
reread 6/11/2020
The Last of the Lost Boys by N.D. Wilson

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Every time I read an NDW book, I am astounded by his genius.

Somehow he managed to take a series that I thought already had a good ending, twist it up into even more time-traveling confusion, and end it on a masterful note.

My favorite part was older Sam + Glory's relationship. I didn't like Rhonda very much. Also, the time traveling in this book is even more confusing than in the previous ones, and I wasn't happy with some of the consequences of that.

I still love this book.

Even if they were able to change everything about that night, he and Glory had made enough mistakes together to learn that some of the darkest deeds in history accidentally handed victory to goodness. And when he had randomly doled out preemptive justice to villains before their villainy occurred, trying to make every past moment a paradise, he could accidentally tip the scales the wrong way. Retribution was for the end of time, and final justice was well beyond both his wisdom and authority.

read 4/20/2018
reread 7/2/2018
reread 5/8/2020