marleaf7's reviews
127 reviews

Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand

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i was literally crying oml
it was so good.
i def relate to zoey and her relationship with sex skdndn
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

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i really really enjoyed this book
i think the ending and milkman realizing what he did wrong and kind of living with his consequences was amazing
i absolutely loved Pilate and Reba.
i also loved how morrison didnt make milkman or anyone out to be good or morally sound, it was about the growth of a character but it wasnt preachy, i really loved that
The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman

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i loved how the the story was set up, that it was like his father was truly telling the story and there were more moments of the family being a family and dealing with the aftermath. ive read holocaust stories before and theyve never really touched on the after math of the story or what it was like when the survivors were older or how their families dealt with it. its interesting to that side
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 3 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

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i liked the backstories and flashbacks but i wish there was more focus on the present situationalso that one non-consensual kiss was
Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw

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it was very ridiculous but i enjoyed it so
Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen

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omg i loved this story so much, ive never read about african mythology before and this was so cool and amazing
i only wished that there was no romance but it was still amazing
The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth

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i really liked the way that the main couple didnt end up together but were still and i thought the character growth was amazing
The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy

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honestly as much as i fell asleep while reading this, i actually liked it a lot
i thought the plot and the motives and the characters were really wel developed and thought through
and even tho book sixth was not intended i think it tied the end of the book up well
i liked that hardy didnt make the ending super happy as i thought he would have, it was nice
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore

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honestly i liked this book a lot and i love that both the mcs are nonbinary
i liked going on the journey with the mcs and how they realized that though the past is bad it doesnt mean we should disgard it
i just liked the rep and message and vibes a lot<3
The Ones We Burn by Rebecca Mix

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i read this before looking at the reviews and had no idea that there was reverse racism or antisemitic ideas in it, so i had idea going into that. i did enjoy it a lot when i first read it but now im second guessing it. im trying to be discerning while reading books and face my own inner thoughts as a white person and im trying to analyze things and see where people are coming from, but i honestly did not pick up on any of it until i read the reviews and thats odd to me

but i did genuinely enjoy it a lot and thought the romance and the themes of power and abuse and community were really well done. and it did seem like a lot of thought went into the book. i could relate a lot galen too
but its conflicting to see the reviews but yeah i just wanted to put it out there