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White Hot by Ilona Andrews

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He smiled at me. It was the kind of smile that blazed a trail from your heart to your mind and popped into your head the next time you wondered why you put up with a man who made you want to punch things.

The second book in the outstanding Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews, White Hot, brings UF Fans another perfectly paced plot, and an even sweeter dollop of romance!

I'm so glad I decided to jump on this series. The first book, Burn for Me, had been on my TBR for a while simply because Ilona Andrews is an autobuy author for me, but it wasn't until recently when I kept seeing the books around everywhere that it moved its way up to the top of my list. The series has been relaunched by the publishers with the final* two books - White Hot and Wildfire - being released very close together in June/July 2017.

And oh my gosh, what a book! White Hot is an apt title! I thought the storyline in the first book was pretty perfect, but I somehow managed to enjoy this one even more (and that had absolutely nothing to do with Connor Rogan. Nope, nothing at all). What I especially loved was finding out more about everybody. I suppose the authors were busy setting up the world building and the two main characters in book one, and now that that's out there, in White Hot we got to explore other areas such as Nevada's fabulously wacky family. We also got insight into Rogan's time in the military, which helped counteract the slightly bad first impression he made to both Nevada and us readers in book one. And there are also a few new characters that pop up in this one that I feel will be sticking round.

The story, while new, is also a continuation of events from Burn for Me. I'm in spiky territory even trying to find something to tell you about it without spoilers, so I won't bother. The other part to these books which is just as important as the action, is the romance, which sees some interesting developments in White Hot. I think it's safe to say if you liked book one, you'll love book two.

Overall, I don't think I could have enjoyed this more. I look forward to re-reading it again someday.

* I believe this to be a trilogy, but would be very happy to be wrong about that!
Wildfire by Ilona Andrews

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"I was asleep," he said. "And she woke me up."

So, I've rated every book in this series 5 stars...

I did it, all right? I couldn't help it!

I was so hoping I could disguise my fangirlyness behind some witty objective criticism and drop my rating down to, say, 4.9, but...there's just nothing, you guys. Nothing I can call on to say "this bit wasn't so good," or "this section dragged," or "I didn't like this character." Because it was and it didn't and I do. So I don't care if it makes me sound biased. These books are UF perfection and I loved every second of them.

I'm also REALLY REALLY hoping this isn't the end of them! It's says on the Andrews' website:

From Ilona Andrews, #1 New York Times bestselling author, the thrilling conclusion to her Hidden Legacy series, as Nevada and Rogan grapple with a power beyond even their imagination…

Note that ugly word: conclusion. And yet, I really think there's so much more that could be done with these characters and this world! So, as with the last five minutes of The Amazing Spiderman 2, I'm just choosing to pretend I didn't see it.

I've really enjoyed how each story arc so far has been connected to the one before, even if at first it doesn't seem so. And in Wildfire, this was no different. It all keeps coming back to this group of rebellious Primes who seemingly want to tear down the world so they can rebuild it just how they like it. We heard the ice mage, David, in White Hot compare it to Rome...

Rome—corrupt, rich, and disorganized, a republic that ruled the world yet couldn’t rule itself. Its senators fighting for power in vicious political squabbles; the policies of compromise forgotten in favor of personal gain. Its armies pledging their loyalty to their generals rather than to the republic they were meant to serve. 

So I guess that's how they see things now. That Primes have become too power-hungry and everyone is only concerned about their own House, not the world as a whole? Is that it? Because that might almost make sense if they weren't trying to MURDER EVERYBODY!

Someone caught up in the aftermath of one such Prime's villainous acts is none other than Rogan's former intended, Rynda. Rynda's mother was behind some of the events in White Hot, and the shame of her actions is being felt by her daughter and her family. When Rynda's husband goes missing, she hires Nevada to find him. Awkward much?

Now, I kinda love it and hate it when and old flame pops up in a book. It's usually equal parts upsetting, frustrating and then, hopefully, supremely satisfying when they're eventually told how things are going to be. I've got to hand it to Nevada, she's clearly been to the Mercedes Thompson school of how to deal with exes. She managed to be professional and keep any jealousy or resentment buried waaaay down deep. I can only applaud. And Rynda was testing at times that's for sure. Her "Oh Rogan, I'm so fragile! Protect me!" act got old real fast. Grr!

As well as the mystery, action and romance that were all present and correct just like the first two books, there were also some big developments for the Baylor family unit here in Wildfire. And I think this is another big part of why I feel like this series should only just be beginning, not ending! I loved how the whole family and all of Rogan's military guys worked together and stood up for one another. I also enjoyed the siblings and cousins contributions. Things have definitely changed a lot since Burn For Me!

In a nutshell, Wildfire was a thrilling, exhilarating page-turner that I absolutely loved, and if this series is over, it was awesome and I have zero regrets. HOWEVER, if it isn't, and the authors want to tie up those last few loose ends they left, I will be the first in line to buy the next instalment!

5 stars ★★★★★ ~ A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.