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luthienneart's reviews
226 reviews
Hearts of Three by Jack London
I have loved Jack London's books since I was a child.... This novel is a bit different from his books, but I love it.
Only One Song by Anne Goldberg
Als ich das Buch bei Thalia als Adventsgeschenk bekommen habe dachte ich, dass es eine einfache Liebesgeschichte ist. Ein Rockstar, ein einfaches Mädchen hinter dem Tresen. Doch je mehr ich mich in das Buch vertiefte, desto mehr wurde es facettenreich. Ich möchte hier nichts spoilern, aber es gab einige "WHAT?" Momente und auch
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
I have known the book since I was a child. I think it's a must read for all adventurelover and fans of the sea and pirate theme.
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again by J.R.R. Tolkien
A book that every fantasy fan must know. It's incredible how big the Tolkien world is and I am very much looking forward to reading the next books by him.
Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin
A book that is one of the important novels of Russian literature.