lost_in_tall_grass's reviews
134 reviews

We Don't Know Ourselves: A Personal History of Modern Ireland by Fintan O'Toole

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
Had to return to library 
Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction by David Sheff

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especially when he says to Jasper “I’ve missed you the way the moon misses the sun 
Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff

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I really struggled to get through this book… I think this book is for a younger audience and I just decided to read this book without knowing  ?? If it isn’t then I found the writing really simple ? 
I guess I was expecting a more complex sci-fi book? The concept is really cool but I don’t think it was executed in a way I found engaging 

The Shiver Series: Shiver, Linger, Forever, Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater

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only read the first 3 for nostalgia purposes … for middle school me 
honestly sex positive but not sex positive at the same time ??????