lordbane68's reviews
317 reviews

The Singing Trees by Boo Walker

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Potent Feels

While not a novel from one of my usual genres, I decided to take a leap (ref author's acknowledgments) and dive in. Despite there being some predictability, and some frustration with with a key plot point, I quite enjoyed the story and, WOW, what a powerfully heartfelt ending!
Brotherhood by Mike Chen

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This novel serves to give greater insight into the relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin after Anakin has graduated from a Padawan. Although it did make me even more torn over the debate of should a Jedi be allowed to fall in love, or not, given what happens in this novel in conjunction with what we know happens in the future between Anakin and Padme. It did make me feel that, had he lived, Qui-Gon Jin would have been a better Master/father-figure to Anakin, than Obi-Wan, who, instead, might have been better as a Jedi brother. But then, we would have not gotten the Darth Vader arc!
They Come at Knight by Yasmin Angoe

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I enjoy this second book but it was a bit too much politics for my taste. The action parts were great!