lordbane68's reviews
317 reviews

A Girl from Nowhere by James Maxwell

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Audiobook version:
Narration / voice acting was superb for this book.
A good story with the theme of uniting different peoples and races, and the great things they can accomplish, and those that seek to divide and conquer them. A fitting message for the times we are in, in the US, right now.
The ending makes you want to grab the next book in the series right away, and I did!
The Terminal List by Jack Carr

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Having enjoyed the series on Amazon Prime Video, I decided to read this novel that the series is based on. I enjoyed this book as well. I just wanted to give warning to any other potential readers, like myself, that have already seen the show, and now want to read the book.
It's commonplace for movies/shows to not precisely match the books they are based on due to various reasons when developing a screenplay, one expects changes, but in this case, there were a plethora of changes to details, and even a number of changes to major plot points. I almost didn't recognize some of the characters in this book when comparing to the series.
If you can see past that, then you will still enjoy the book as well.