linara4522's reviews
462 reviews

Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

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this did not make me laugh.
I repeat.
This. Did. Not. Make. Me. Laugh.
WTF did i even read? It's straight up a Wattpad book published without any supervision or forethought. People who find the relationship in this book sane and (dare i say) romantic, should be immediately admitted to a mental institute. The things Zade would do to Addeline were fucked up.
Addie developed Stockholm Syndrome. Zade got the obedient girl he wanted, by stalking, breaking and entering, gaslighting, forcing himself on her (aka raping her), and breaking her mentally.
I wish I hadn't taken this book up at all. I'm now afraid of what people are romanticising. This isn't dark romance, this is romanticised abuse.
Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco

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possibly a new favourite trilogy...? what???
in a few words:
Italian witch meets demon of hell and tries to solve her twin sister's murder.
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.


officially DNF-ing this book after months of trying.
It pains me to do it, but I can't keep pushing myself into further hating this.
The exposition and world-building took up most of the first half of the story and no space was given for anything else really. The characters weren't given the necessary depth for me to be invested, and the stagnant plot didn't help either; I deluded myself into waiting, trying to push through the pages for something to actually go somewhere.
Blue Lock, Vol. 4 by Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Yusuke Nomura

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"an awakening is brought out from experience. Piling up mistakes through trial and error... 'learning' is another word. They are learning."
Blue Lock, Vol. 5 by Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Yusuke Nomura

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The birth of Nagi, the miracle worker. ✨️
Blue Lock, Vol. 8 by Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Yusuke Nomura

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this volume had THE BEST drawn pages so far