This book was extremely difficult for me to read. There were several points throughout the novel where I had to remind myself that the narrator does not represent the author and therefore I needed to respect the integrity of the story. That said, I think The Reason You’re Alive is an eye-opening piece of literature which allows one to contemplate the “other” side in regards to political affiliations. Although we may have our set opinions and moral standings, it is still incredibly valuable to understand the motives and reasoning behind others’ political beliefs.
Although this novel may appear extremely similar to a cliché Hallmarkmovie, I found it’s contents to be rather refreshing, so much so, that I even found it quite difficult to put down. I guess you could call it a guilty pleasure of sorts, as I genuinely loved Pooley’s take on the otherwise bored trope of “we aren’t really strangers”.
The Stranger presents a rather thought-provoking perspective on the true meaning of life, that being, that there is none. I found Camus’ nihilistic approach to the afterlife, or the lack thereof, to be rather refreshing. I also thoroughly enjoyed the stark emphasis placed on appreciating the minute details found in one’s memory, especially when used as a substitute for common regret or monotonous reflection.
I found this book to be a wonderful depiction of isolation and the sorrows and joys that accompany loneliness. Owens’ portrayal of nature was nothing short of beautiful, and i thoroughly enjoyed the strong notions of relationship between a girl and the nature that surrounds her.
Brain Sex is a politically infuriating, yet, eye-opening assessment of the biological hindrances and advantages present within the opposing sexes. Moir and Jessel assume a neutral analysis of the scientific evidence regarding the innate differences between the male and female mind in spite of social influence.
This is a beautiful piece of literature that conveys the horrors of world war II from a new and exciting perspective. I absolutely adore Anthony Doerr’s writing style and his tasteful implementation of literary elements throughout the novel.