lilybear's reviews
785 reviews

The Smuggler and the Warlord by KJ Charles

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Short and from Merrick's pov . I was honestly disappointed no one got crucified.
A Private Miscellany by KJ Charles

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Reading their letters to each other was cute. But my favorite part in undeniably when Silas starts to write. Also things get sexy with him and Dom. So yayyy!!!
Family Camp by Eli Easton

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Despite the angsty beginning this story was sweet and cute. I don't know how realistic it is for a single gay man to adopt 2 kids, but whatever it was cute. I kind of feel like EE bit off more than she could chew though. Especially with the supposed pro-baseballer angle. I just don't feel like she did the pro sport thing justice and she either needed to cut down on stuff or make a longer book. My favorite bits were family moments with Geo and Jayden.
Song for a Viking by KJ Charles

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Cute short of da Silva's perspective after the mission.
Bear, Otter, and the Kid by TJ Klune

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Cute and dramatic. I was so tense with nerves and suspense and at the same time I wanted nothing more than to just smoosh their faces together and yell 'Just love each other already!' TJ Klune is the freaking King of UST. Like seriously. And despite the stiffer atmosphere this series has compared to TJK's more whimsical books there were still spots of his trademark humor. Like Ty otherwise known as 'the Kid', who was an absolute delight. Best 9 year old/eco-terrosit in training ever. The story would be lost without him. I kind of feel like there are some loose threads, and I hope the next book answers those questions and more.
Who We Are by TJ Klune

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From gut bursting humor to tear inducing twists- this book had everything. With the troubles of book I behind them Bear and Ty's characters blossomed revealing more of their silly sides. The absolute best thing about this book was how real the characters felt. Despite the borderline ridiculous awkwardness Bear could get into, being in his head felt like knowing a real person. And although not all the drama surprised me I feel like it wasn't meant to. It was supposed to surprise Bear and it was his reaction I was invested in. I can't wait to get in Tyler's head in the next book. Should be a wild ride.