Went in thinking I was going to enjoy this more than I did. Interesting concept but the execution didn’t hit right. I have access to the next three volumes so I’ll see if I end up enjoying this more the farther I get into it.
I went into this expecting it to just be okay- honestly hoping that it would be with how hard it is to collect. And I only got 50 pages in before I decided I needed to own this series. 10/10 volume will be binge reading the other 14.
I’m cutting it short of a five star purely because it took me a minute to get into this at the beginning.
I know I’ve read some Percy Jackson books in my youth but I honestly barely remember doing it and I have no idea if I read them in order or just picked up one when I saw it on the shelves in the library. So, to be honest there’s not really nostalgia for the series beyond the movies. That being said I really enjoyed this first book and wouldn’t mind bingeing the rest of the series. I actually just checked out the audiobook for The Sea of Monsters on Libby to do this.
I went the audiobook route as I just didn’t feel like reading physically at the time and I would recommend it. Jesse Bernstein does a great job.
This book has been on my tbr for years. And I have to say it was a little bit of a letdown. I love the premise and I do plan to continue with the series and see the movie when it releases. But, I was just expecting more.
It felt like we were building up to a major event and what we got in the end was just okay. I would recommend this book but it’s not one that I see myself buying a physical copy of unless the rest of the series I end up really enjoying.
That being said a certain moment didn’t need to be in this book. Like it didn’t add anything to the plot and it just left me rolling my eyes.
I went in pretty blind with this book and still declared it a five-star prediction last year. I was looking forward to getting to this last year but I didn’t predict just how many people would put a hold on this book. I would have loved to have read this in December but I was not going to put this off until the end of the year. I understand the comparison to Red, White & Royal Blue and I even agree with it.
This is a fun fantasy romance with a pretty big political element to it. I understand the comparison to Red, White & Royal Blue and I even agree with it. The critique of capitalism and the talk of different ways of grieving were fantastic. And this was a great example of the trope opposites attract.
I loved the main characters and Kris and Iris got me as well. I’m a little bummed with how this ended but I also respect it. I’m looking forward to the next book although I won’t make it a five-star prediction. I do not care for sex scenes but I wasn’t bothered by the few scenes in this. And I do believe that I will be re-reading this in December.