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lenoreo's reviews
2146 reviews
Ethereal by Addison Moore
2.5 - It balanced off at meh for me. There were some really good parts, but in the end I just couldn't empathize with the characters and relationships. *shrugs*
Slim to None by Jenny Gardiner
Actually a 4.5 stars. This book started out and I wasn't sure I was going to appreciate it....the fat jokes came across harsh, and I wasn't sure what the angle of the book was. But I ended up getting sucked right in.... Love the Abster. So much thought-provoking stuff.... A heroine with definite flaws, but you rooted for her... I cried a lot. Yeah....apparently I'm not feeling sentence complete-ish today.
The Strength of Three by Annmarie McKenna
3.5 stars. Arousing, sweet (believe it or not) men...interesting side plot (though for me that's just a bonus).
Space Junque by L.K. Rigel
I had a hard time getting into it from the beginning -- maybe I'm not used to reading futuristic stuff, but it was too many unfamiliar terms that weren't easily identified through context. I also had a hard time getting into the characters....there were times where I felt I should cry or be devastated, but I was just skeptical (and with cause). My completionist tendancies want me to look at the next book, but that's all it is...I have no desire to see what happens to the characters. Not my cup of tea I guess....
Tuesday's Child by Dale Mayer
There were things I LOVED about this book, and things that annoyed me. The plot grabbed me up right away...loved the main characters. Normally I enjoy seeing little tidbits from side characters point of view -- but there were a few in this book that were really not necessary towards the plot and just felt superfluous...made me think these characters would become more important, but they weren't.... So all in all, enjoyed it, was able to suspend my disbelief with the psychic stuff which was different from what I've read before...just a few niggles that made it more 3 star, less 3.5 star.
An Unexpected Bride by Shadonna Richards
Couldn't get lost enough in the story to overlook the need for better editting....sentences that didn't work well, parts that seemed to contradict each other.... On a personal note, I'm not as big a fan of books where they spend a lot of time describing things (the people, what they're wearing, what they eat, what the furniture looks like). I enjoy descriptions, but when it feels like there's more time spent on that than the plot, it's not as interesting for me. There was definite potential here for this new author, but I have a feeling her style isn't right for me. Oh yeah, and it resolved itself way too quickly at the end....felt like it came out of nowhere. Oh well...
The Calling by Ashley Lynn Willis
3.5 stars. Was good, enjoyed the characters, Justin was adorable...the two together were adorable... But some of the drama just dragged on longer and longer, and it seemed like it was there just for the sake of it...does that make sense? Just the stuff at the end. Before the end I was totally engrossed....I think I've stopped making sense....
Heaven Is For Heroes by P.J. Sharon
Liked certain aspects of the story and the characters...was hard to get into the mindset of Jordie b/c she was so strong sometimes, and then an average whiny teenager the next...which is realistic, but jarring all the same. Sometimes I found that obstacles were being thrown up just for the sake of having obstacles and then overcoming got tiring after awhile. I did like that the author provided some depth on Levi and why he was the way he was...I wasn't expecting it and it made the story flesh out so much better....
The Perfect Blend by Donna Marie Rogers
Super cute yet again...has been a good series for enjoyable little reads. Loved the sassy snarkiness between Carrie and Matt...
Grounds for Change by Stacey Joy Netzel
Fun short read -- and I was a sucker for Sugar's antics in Tara and Wes's story, so more is always good....