laura_devouring_books_crumpets's reviews
3002 reviews

God of Malice by Rina Kent

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Another Rina Kent pringle book - Once you start you cant stop... read in a day!!!! just wow
God of Pain by Rina Kent

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Still a 5 star but i think Killian is my favorite guy so far!!!!

Creighton..... hes ok... Annika is annoying... so maybe thats why, but the writing and story still a 5 star
I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella

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Ah another great read from Sophie Kinsella!

Fixie (Faun) Takes her Nickname for always wanting to fix things, After her mum decides she needs a break with her Aunt fixie and her Siblings are left in charge of Fars their Family store.

Unfortunately all three siblings clash as they each have different ideas for the store!

Fixie refusing to be a doormat needs to turn things around.

I Understand Fixie's underestimation of herself, but i was a bit angry at her mum that really doesnt appreciate fixie and what she actually does.

Jake was a complete Plonker...... How his sweet Missus sticks by him was beyond me....

Nicole (I have a few friends like this) so I did like her in a comical sort of way.

Ryan (really that sex scene was hilarious)

Seb...... Gahhh lost in communication

And that Uncle all i pictured was Uncle Vernon........
God of Wrath by Rina Kent

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It was A great Rina Kent read as Always, Still Kilian's book has been my fave so far this probably second, Im looking forward to Levi's and Lotus flowers though....

Jeremy was intense But in previous books he comes across as somewhat human especially with his sister so it was hard to completely buy his disassociation, i thought he would have been the most broken of all the characters considering his past, but Landon and Eli's seem to be those... wondering whats going to be worse than Jeremys past to be their triggers.

Still i liked Cecily she was Pragmatic and a real mama bear to everyone even when they took who she was for granted, Annie did my head in so i wasn't as keen on book two, im just hoping Ava doesn't Ruin Levi's book with the "Cutesy" personality.

Great book!

Burning With Desire by Lexy Timms

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The Mc's were unlikable a bit immature... Out of all this Authors series this has to be my least favourite.... Alot of her series have been 5 star reads for me.
Taking Nicole by Krystal Shannan

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It was ok.... I wasnt Keen on Mcs if im Honest
God of Fury by Rina Kent

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I Have Been Anticipating this Read Bran and Nikolai - Bran who likes Order Nikolai who in the simplest term in very Unhinged - Kolya (Nickola's penis) will only stand up for Bran.

- 1 star due to the secondary character Kolya, it was a bit weird at times..... Plus i wasn't keen on all the Ghosting with no communication.

But they were an awesome couple when together i think they mellowed the craziness out in each other... Not alot but enough to function.... LOL.

Finally got Lotus Flowers book!!!
The Risk by S.T. Abby

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What!!!!! Really!!!!!

Loved this!!!!!!!!!! LOVED!!!!!!!!!!

i have no clue whats going to happen, how things will unravel.....
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

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I mean it was a nice book - you've got mail with typewriters rather than laptops, but to be honest this book wasn't what i was expecting.... I was thinking another Mass book where i would be thrown into a world and not find my footing for all the fantasy.... the only thing the characters come close to anything of fantasy in this book are the typewriter's. There are monsters in the sky with no real description and two gods at war that are only mentioned.... to be honest the epilogue was the only part that grabbed me enough to continue on.

The writing is admittedly beautiful.... but i was just expecting a little more from all the hype.
Better Off Wed by Portia MacIntosh

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Meh - this book was basically honeymoon for one.....

* - Meets someone on Holiday
* - Enters couples competition which bring them closer together
* - Best friend shows up to push the couple together
* - Sly competitive other female character
* - Lose Male interest in background
* - Both female Mc's are authors.....

Nope sorry same book different name still good but feel a bit cheated buying and reading the same thing.