laura_devouring_books_crumpets's reviews
3002 reviews

Vampire Shift by Tim O'Rourke

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It was OK i will carry on to the next book, i did find that although keira had a gift in seeing things, she was extremely blind in other things which was a little annoying. I also couldn't envision most the characters, there were few descriptions.... But the story had some good twists and turns.
Dead in the Water by Hailey Edwards

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I Dont understand most of what i just read.... I got the gist that there is a Baddie fae killing kids and a Gemini fae is helping some kind of fae authority to catch or identify him, there is also a hot dominant wolf who fancies her/is using her to avenge his sister.....

So i don't really understand the world i was just dropped into, nor do i know each and every fae species in this novel and what this author wants its qualities to be the only one is partially explained the Gemini. I was completely lost on the different authorities and Laws, again without much explanation.....

if there was alot more Depth of characters, politics involved and different jurisdictions trying to solve this case i may have understood more and enjoyed it... But no really not for me.
Radiance by Grace Draven

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3.5 stars

I enjoyed it, the story is beautifully written and the imagination behind each character and world building is incredible if my review was based on that alone it would be 5 stars.

"I'm not human wife"
"but your still mine, husband"

my favorite quote

The fact that these two fell in love with each others souls is beautiful, i adore how the love loyalty and trust grew between the two main characters.

Despite all this the reason i gave a 3.5 star's?

it was very slow.

Sometimes there was too much inner monologue and description between a conversation i got lost as to what was actually being said between characters. Also for me too many people introduced too quickly with hard to pronounce unfamiliar names i took a while to get who was who.

The story jumped around in the timeline a lot which is unique and beautiful but hindered my reading enjoyment a bit, i'm also not a huge fan of upper class perfect ladies, Brishen despite being a lord and gentleman did offer a little extra, i think we saw this only from him as we saw him interact with people more familiar to him.

I really do recommend this book as i know a lot of my friends on goodreads are raving about it, i will read 2nd book
No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole

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I Loved Sebastian and Kaderin together, he was the somewhat intellectual inexperianced Hulk of a male while she was a petite worldly woman.... I love how her emotions erupted when they were together and sebastians confidence grew..... Im on the edge of my seat to see what furie will do in the future, but its nice to get to know the characters a little deeper...
Mated in Treason by Christa Paige

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The reason im 3 starring this is it takes a while to get into, I felt i was dropped in a world with no understanding feeling around blind..... Parts of it came together at the end, but still scratching my head at others....

After a wound from an explosion Nurse Nadia helps Gunnar heal from his injuries all the while falling hook line and sinker for each other, alas it is a forbidden love as Gunner is higher up in Hierarchy than Nadia an therefor will be destined for another.

The main couple themselves were brilliantly written, they are what made the book for me! Both complex from different kinds of upbringing it was interesting to see how the past shaped their characters.

I cant comment much on the background story as like i said i wasn't sure what was going on....

Gunnar Had been in an explosion at his boss's apartment, not sure why or who caused it to begin with.... Que the love story... All the while learning of a faction that's up against the royals fed up with their archaic ways.....

Who the faction came to be more specifics on the faction, why the Kan Asma are still so Archaic or how they became Vampires (i know it had something to do with berries but that's about it), established a hierarchy and how they co exist with humans ect ect its all kind of a blank.... And that took the book down from a solid four star to a three..... Still i want to give book 2 a try as i loved Gunnar an Nadia and im hoping the second book can shed some more light on my questions
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

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WOW i'm literally blown away what a fantastic read. I think this book it really setting the pieces on the board for upcoming story, i love how the author is only giving us glimpses of the threats and enemies so far like this whole world she created is about to open up and expand in ways i cant even begin to guess.

I don't believe Celaena was too interested in Dorian or Choal for that matter, as first she liked Dorian then choal, no one took her breath away i'm hoping there's a guy in the world that can do that waiting in the wings somewhere.

The story is so descriptive and so beautifully written, i have had such a great two days slipping in the imagination between its pages.

only one thing, why was no other than Celaena bothered about the Wydmarks..... seriously all over dead bodies crime scenes...... but the build up the ending just the whole world brilliant.

The Boss by Lexy Timms

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I did really enjoy this first book, but my, what a dysfunctional family i don't know how Jaime is so normal, if i was her i think i would be telling everyone to do one by now. Loved Jaime and Alex i can see the chemistry she is a true damsel in distress and Alex feels protective of her. A nice quick read!

Reread still a great read with brill audio