lattes_lipstick_literature's reviews
404 reviews

I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley

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Surprisingly I knew who Sloane Crosley was before I read this. Weird right? Anyway I usually enjoy essays and memoirs I just couldn't completely get behind Crosley's humor. Everything that happened seemed over emphasized and funnier than it really should have been. I know authors tend to over-embellish when they write non-fiction humor but I felt like Crosley went one step over.

I did find her essay on her first horrible boss humorous as, it was something we can all relate to, but after that we seem to loose touch with each other on things to connect on. Maybe because I never lived in New York so I did not understand the hustle and bustle. Either way, this was not a bad book at all, it just honestly seemed like I read it all before.
Romanov by Samaire Wynne

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*Thanks to NetGalley, The publisher, and author for providing me with this book for a unbiased review*

Hello Fellow Readers,

With a gorgeous cover and a really great summary I wanted to quickly dive into what I thought was going to be a great book. Unfortunately this book just isn't for me. I found myself bored and disconnected from characters. The romance angle, in my opinion, started a bit too quickly and while the action scenes were okay I just could not get myself completely into them.

I did enjoy the philosophical parts, a sort of look at humans and their lack of interest in the world around them. It added a bit of depth, but still not for me. The main character Anna lacked depth and I couldn't establish a reason to care for her or her family. In the end it did not deliver, It may have been my fault for over-hyping myself up.
Hammer Out a Future by Billy Wong

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Unfortunately this was just too weird and uninteresting for me to continue...
Death Masks by Jim Butcher

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Surprisingly, this has been my favorite Dresden book to date. Despite getting frustrated at Dresden because he is still A.) a Pervert and B.) misogynistic (Which he disguises as being gentlemanly), he is getting better however, as it is not quite pronounced in this story as the last four. I felt like the story was non stop and sometimes I wonder how Dresden gets by with so little sleep. the story despite being predictable in most areas was pretty great.

Mac was back a long with Bob and Murphy, along with some others that I won't spoil. We also meet some new comers who may or may not be the super big bads. I am really starting to like Harry's acceptance of working with people. No more keeping secrets "for their protection" which just ends up getting more people hurt, which is a overused trope a lot of books used. I will admit that while I was listening to James Marsters read Death Masks (He will always be synonymous with Buffy and Now Dresden Files) the sex scene was a bit awkward for me. It's one thing to read a sex scene, it's another thing to listen to someone else read a sex scene. I now know for sure that explicit romance novels must be read and not heard.

I can't wait to see where Dresden is in the next book, I hope he will continue his growth and stop being stupid where females are concerned.
Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey

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James Holden, one out of the two main characters of the book, is an Earther and the second in command of the ship the Canterbury. The second main character is Miller, a belter detective given a case to find the missing Julie. Holden and Miller are opposites, but play off each other so well. Holden a righteous do-gooder who accidentally starts a war and Miller the reluctant anti-hero. In the beginning I very much like Holden, he seemed like he cared for his crew and was just trying to do what was right, but then along the way his self-righteousness took away his ability to sit down and think what the best plan of action was. There were times that I wanted to jump into the book grab him and shake him and just yell ‘Stop and Think!’ Of course I would probably get shot by his crew with how loyal they are.

Miller on the other hand was my type of guy, although he was pretty much loosing it at the end of the book. Miller didn’t have the naive thoughts that Holden did, being a detective he had the ability to take a step and think about the situation. Although some of this was done in a almost clinical detachment sort of way, that one would probably say he is a loose cannon. Both Abraham and Franck do a amazing job of setting up their galaxy without taking away from the story or characters. I will be reading the second book ‘Caliban’s War’, I am just not sure if I will be reading it right away or read another book in between.