kylajfountain's reviews
458 reviews

High-Rise Invasion, Vol. 1-2 by Tsuina Miura, Takahiro Oba

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y'all remember when this anime came out on netflix?? i sure as hell do.
Futaribeya: A Room for Two, Volume 7 by Yukiko

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first read of february!! icons i can't believe they are like full grown adults now
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

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booo coho. i only care about lady diana. kenna deserved better, though.
Crush by Carrie Mac

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so short. so underdeveloped. cute idea. i wanted more of our girlies and their two twins. could've been SO GOOD if it was like 300 pages of development and growth and not like 100 pages of insta-love with one page of like "im not homophobic but im definitely not gay i do not want to be queer...omg cute Nat" y'know?
The First to Die at the End by Adam Silvera

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Oh my god. oh my god. Crying wtf why was this even better than TBDATE
Mitsukazu Mihara: R.I.P. Requiem In Phonybrian by Mitsukazu Mihara, 三原ミツカズ

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short and sweet. i liked the art style. not much else. plot was kind of boring. enjoyed the ending though.