kylajfountain's reviews
458 reviews

Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut

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this may be the breakfast of champions, but, unfortunately, i am not a champion.
vonnegut, bestie, i love you, but what the *fuck* was this.
Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 1 by Kiiro Yumi

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meh. will not continue reading this series
Star Trek: The Manga Volume 1: Shinsei/Shinsei by Chris Dows

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4.5 rounded up because the GR average is SO LOW for no reason. yes the artwork changes from story to story because they are from different artists but bestie?? the stories??? top notch. star trek and manga? what a supreme combination. Total Win of a book im glad i bought volumes 1 and 2
The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite

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when lucy was like "i hate the french subjunctive" i FELT that. also women!! in! stem!!!
Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits, Vol. 3 by Waco Ioka

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minor spoilers??
Spoilerone, PLEASE TELL ME PEEWEE WILL BE LIVING IN THE COTTAGE WIHT HER. Im gonna cry if not. two, it's the way the odanna was like "wait bestie you're coming back?!!?!?!?!?!?" an icon i love him