I think what Tracey Garvis Graves is best at is portraying real adult relationships. Not everything is a meet-cute, some things are messy, relationships don't always work out, there can be bitterness and resentment involved in breakups, and taking breaks is ok.
I really loved a few things about the content of this book: not going to college is a major decision in these characters' lives, but it does not harm them; the idea of "what-if" and FOMO in a long-term relationships (especially those started when the people are young) is real; and maintaining a healthy and happy relationship is hard.
I loved how much Josh cared about his ex-wife even though they were no longer together. That shows how good of people they are and that relationships can end but still have a lot of respect and admiration for the person you were with.
It's a romance. You know what the end result is. But the road is a little twistier than you might think.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Tiffany D Jackson writes hard stories that are based off true stories like no other YA author.
This book is HARD to read but it was done so well. It is written with a lot of grace, care, and confidence. The characters feel so raw. And as always, Tiffany D Jackson always makes me believe one thing, question those things, and then slaps me with shock.
This was a freaking TRIP. For such a short story, so much happened and I have no idea what to believe. Gillian Flynn always knows how to make me think one thing and then messes with me, lol
Maybe I just like simple fantasies but this book was FUN. And kind of wild, lol.
Violet is a fantastic morally gray character and I went from liking her to jot to rooting for her to not to feeling like she got what was coming to her to feeling bad for her. It was lovely.
Also, I love Dante and Camilla. I adore when books have good side characters. Plus, the nonchalant take on sexuality throughout the book? Yes.
This was so unexpected in a really good way. This was unlike any romance I’ve read before and I am here for it. I didn’t expect lost of what happened in this book to actually happen. I loved Eva as a character; she’s smart, strong, and a bad ass.
I really loved the alternating POVs. That surprised me but it worked so well.
Grief will make you go to the ends of the universe to answer questions.
Ok, this is a difficult review for me to write. This story is interesting, captivating, and refreshing. However, I found it really difficult to follow. I felt like just SO MUCH was happening and not being able to follow is fully on me, not Tracy Deonn. I’m still fairly new to fantasy so I think this was just a bit much for me. There was just a lot of storylines at once, for me.
There are some things I really enjoyed about this story: like being able to go back and see the memories of ancestors . I also think the tie in of slavery and Arthurian legend is super unique and done so well.
I also found Bree’s grief journey incredibly accurate and painful.
So, I do see why people go feral over this book, but at the same time it just felt like a lot *for me*
This was a fun and quick read! I liked seeing Pip before the original series and it was interesting to see what sparked her original idea in the actual series. I also loved just seeing her nerd out in a less serious way lol. Being back in this world is always a good time.
I hated the pacing of this book. For being a third of the way through it, I feel like nothing happened. I just didn’t enjoy this. I’ve heard there’s a twist and the ending is wonderful but I don’t want to spend the 4-5 hours it will take to get there.