kookeybird's reviews
65 reviews

Intercepts by T.J. Payne

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Final “fuck” count: 76 
Starting Point: 1979-1996 by Hayao Miyazaki

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Great for supplementing your knowledge of any of the earlier Miyazaki works. At times, a little repetitive- a little rambly. Miyazaki is a wealth of spark note wisdom and amusing one-liners. 
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

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Personally found it boring. Slow pace. No real stakes. No real climbing action. Saccharine. Hit page 200 and really started skim reading. 

 maybe first and foremost it’s a story targeted to people with healthy relationships with their mother and that’s where it was gonna lose me no matter what 
From Below by Darcy Coates

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Everyone having a competition for worst employee of the month 
Shuna's Journey by Hayao Miyazaki

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Gorgeous panels and watercolors. It’s neat to see the seeds of inspiration here for the later Miyazaki works to come 
Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak

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Had me in the first half. Lost me in the second. There were so many plot holes that the story started to look and feel like Swiss cheese 
Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay

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Never before has the question of “boxers or briefs” held so much importance 
13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl by Mona Awad

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Mona Awad beating you over the head with a character comprised solely of deep misogyny and fatphobia
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
Alice in Wonderland - Moscow Edition
Pet Sematary by Stephen King

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pet crematorium might’ve solved a lot of issues in Ludlow, Maine