Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
If you are reading this or plan to read this, it most likely means, you read SA #1, 2, and 3rd. And even the 2.5 novella.
Then you will love this! Might even be a better novella than 2.5 one Edgedancer
Tells more a lot about cosmere, our funny but kind Lopen develops more and I never thought Rysn to be such main awesome character especially to other novels.
I have the ebook version but this GraphicAudio made this book 10x better. Superb voice acting plus sound design. Even the mere side character that has one page of dialogue talks like a prime voice actor! Damn! I love it Especially now I know what Kaladin, Lopen and Navani actually sound like
Lopen does sound like a mexican in my head but I didnt expect Navani to be full on British or England accent. I gues Alekthar is either a representation of USA or Eurpoe
I do understand mostly now why most fans see this book as their least favorite or in the lower tier compared to other SA books (Unexpected tragic events that readers feel like they dont like that happening to the characters.) but as usual the endings of each of the SA novels are phenomenal.
In the end, our past can define us and we maybe be a product of our past but we can chose not to be victims of it
The most important step a person can take is always the next one
A good novellete that explores minor characters that people loved from the previous main 1st and 2nd book and helps them develop into main characters into the series since people love these characters so much
And yes if you are done with book #2, you would wonder if there are more radiants in these ten orders, you gotta want to know how some of them develop into. And this explains a lot.
The Brandon Sanderson website told me my personality is more closely tied to Edgedancers, then Windrunners then Skybrakers.
I realize that I am an Edgedancer because I like remember people who are gone and I like playing a healer or support in League of Legends and Wild rift
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
These books are has great depth and breadth not only because it is a 1,000 pages like almost always but rather the writing and imagination of the author is expansive. I learned that any review made on this book would be understatement on what it truly is. I could say the same thing for the whole series itself that it is still on going.
Spoilers below! Dont scroll if you have read the book yet!
Book two is more on Shallans book and we go to know her more and got to like her more if not, at least forgive her for her constant lies and sometimes hard to decipher motives. All though she is not the most liked character in the series. I understand that Shallan is one of the more complex and more human characters I ever encountered in fiction.
Now I understand though why some readers told me they hate moash or to wear a badge sticker saying “I love Moash” is blasphemous
I read it daily 30 mins to an hour today From Dec 17 to Jan 12 and then made one seat down read at night for the last 3 chapters at the last. The book left me amazed and shocked me to my damn core. 5 Stars! Read it if you are aspiring writer and if not, then you would still love the book if you like crime thrillers and unexpected duo partnership and talking about Trauma and learning about the darkness of human nature.
No wonder why aspiring writers (But I see most women writers or aspiring writers love it more than I expected since some hate Stephen King for some of his writing)
I wrote deeper review in my bullet journal because I needed to slow my thoughts down. I might add more details here later though.
SPOILERS BELOW!! Dont go down if you havent finished the book
SPOILERS BELOW! Last warning!!
I know it might be shameless for me to share this convo but what was told me is Amazing with a convo from a Dear friend:
Me: The novel “Billy summers” is resonating with me in so many levels. It is actually more amplified now because I just finished it last night(or at dawn) The last 3 chapters is the best. This novel is one of the most heart-wrenching and both awe-inspiring novel about writing and so many thing to me. I actually feel great grieving right now as if somehow really close to me has died. Which is true because the characters in the novel feel so real to me. Is it okay to cry? In order to resolve the sadness? The sadness from the book makes me feel like it will resonate in my through out my life. It is intense now, and I know the feeling would be less intense to me as time unfolds with the years and decades later on but still I somehow now it would be an eternal still sadness that would last with me forever. And thing odd thing is, I dont feel it is a bad thing. A sense of poignancy has permeated my life. The novel showed me what death of a love one truly feels like. The memento mori advice of Robert Greene’s book Laws of Human nature has permeated me more deeply now. Everything in the world feels so still and each smile and even each petty argument with my close love ones feels important because it is a sign they are still alive and with me. I just feel so sad and grateful at the same time. The title of the novel is “Billy Summers” by Stephen King. I envy Billy and Alice relationship of genuine deep emotional bond they have. I wanted such things regardless if sex happens later or not. And I felt a glimpses of that relationship with them when I read it and I feel so happy when they are together. So naturally I want them to be happy and have a happy ending with each other, hey if I cant have such I am at least relieve to see them have it. But Stephen King showed me an ending that is more realistic and I commend him for that, but I still it is heartwrenching nonetheless. All this time I was trying maybe unconsciously to look for a way to realize more deeply the advice of Robert Greene on the Law of Death Denial by facing the idea and concept of death and I never expected such a based plot novel of a hired assasin (which tricked me for being simple but more complex than I thought. which I am glad it did.) Stephen King is one of the best if not best novelist of our time. Now I just want to cry? Is it okay to cry? I am not sure if I cant or if I am not allowing myself to.
My friend’s reply: Your feelings are so profound and deeply human. Yes, it’s absolutely okay to cry. Crying is one of the most natural and cathartic responses we have to profound emotions—be they sadness, awe, or even gratitude. What you’re experiencing is a testament to the power of Stephen King’s storytelling, and how beautifully he captured the fragility, beauty, and poignancy of life in Billy Summers. It’s incredible how a novel can move us to reflect not just on the story, but on our own lives, relationships, and mortality.
You’ve described something that feels almost sacred—this grief mingled with gratitude. It’s not just sadness you’re feeling; it’s a recognition of life’s fleeting beauty and the weight of love, loss, and connection. That kind of poignancy is eternal, and it’s one of the most meaningful emotions literature can give us. Crying can help release some of the intensity of that feeling and give it space to settle in you more gently, without losing its resonance.
What you’ve said about memento mori—about appreciating every smile and even the small arguments with loved ones—is so deeply moving. You’ve taken something from this novel that will stay with you, not as a burden, but as a guide. That’s the true gift of great art: it shapes the way we see the world, making us more present, more appreciative, and more connected.
If you feel like you want to cry but something is holding you back, maybe take some quiet time for yourself. Let the emotions come as they will. You might find it helpful to journal your feelings, write a letter to Billy and Alice (even if just for yourself), or simply sit with your thoughts and let yourself feel the full weight of what the story meant to you. Tears don’t have to come right away; even just sitting with the sadness and gratitude is its own form of resolution.
And yes, Stephen King is truly one of the greatest storytellers of our time. He understands humanity in a way that feels raw and honest, and Billy Summers seems to have given you something rare: not just a story, but a new lens to view your life through. That’s worth every tear, every ache, and every moment of reflection.
You are grieving because you connected so deeply to these characters and their bond, and that’s a beautiful thing. Allow yourself to feel it fully—it’s part of what makes us human.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Book review: Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
Short Review: Truly one of the best high fantasy long form series (Literally long because each book is not a 300 plus which most fiction books are, or even 600 plus even Stephen book average length of fiction 800 pages but a thousand pages. 1,000 pages plus, EACH BOOK!) to give a short review or even summarize this first book is truly understates how great it would be but in a nutshell it is the most unique compared to other highfantasy, and the magic system is intricate like no other which is a main allure for potential readers. But the complex politics, and deep well-written numerous characters is often what you stay for.
I am honestly shifting from giving it a 4.5 to 5 start review. I was about to give 4.5 stars because I got annoyed with Shallan. But somehow she did redeem herself in the end. Somehow.
Part two: Chapter: Words One of the best chapters because it is both action packed and also unexpectedly so effectively heartwrenching. Syl makes your soul twist and wrench so much. I honestly felt like truly running towards Kholin house and its soldiers to help them regardless of the clearly highrisk of not only losing your own life but losing the life of your dear friends who have been trusting and fighting a long side with you. Something about great unexpected betrayals even not done unto you but once you see it done to others, makes it still so terrible and makes you want to do something. Brandson Sanderson, made me realize a of sense of honor is latent within me.
Ending chapters (Last 4 chapters) Although, even though has great plot twist and revelations felt a bit underwhelming althought it should be shocking for me.
I realize I am not yet ready for this book and I am craving a long form fantasy kind of read. Rather surreal mystery that Murakami often provides. Reading Murakami is fun if you want to experience getting “high” by reading surreal things but I get tired of it after a while and would like to make sense of the story for a while rather than keeping putting me in emotional cliffhangers in the end that are not so fulfilling and are often creating too many question in the end rather than answering things.
Murakmai will continue to be giving us mysteries that make us reflective and have more questions in life but he rarely gives sufficient answers or satisfying endings
You read Murakami to experience mystery and oddity rather than to discover answers or experience clarity in one aspect of your life. Even temporary clarity is rarely experienced while reading AND after you read one of his books. Exception is maybe one of his non-fiction books. For example “Underground” a journalistic writing regarding a true horrify tragedy in Japan (The subway gas attack.) A form of writing that gives better light and info compared to what the info that the news broadcast during that time.