kekecorona's reviews
330 reviews

Life is Strange: Dust #3 by Andrea Izzo, Emma Vieceli, Claudia Leonardi

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All the feels

Another great issue making me want to scream and cry. I don't know if I'm ready to know how this is going to end. I want Chloe and Max together. I want everyone in Arcadia bay to be alive too!!! So many feels.
Adventure Time: Marcy & Simon #2 by Olivia Olson

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Yes, yes and more yes!!

Another amazing issue. The feels go hard at ya in this one. Super thrilled to read the next one. Come to us quickly issue 3!!
Life is Strange: Dust #4 by Andrea Izzo, Emma Vieceli, Claudia Leonardi

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Holy crap!

I thought this was going to be the final issue and I about flipped due to the ending. I want Chloe and Max together! Also how is it even possible that that timeline even exists with Rachel!?? Ahhh so good though!!!
Adventure Time: Marcy & Simon #3 by Olivia Olson, Slimm Fabert, Brittney Williams, S.J. Miller

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Amazing as usual

Another good story line for Marcy and Simon, I can't wait till the next issue. Poop Simon I hope he gets to be himself again.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #3 by Raúl Angulo, Dan Mora, Jordie Bellaire

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Hot damn!

Another great issue. I love the ancient warrior bat that comes to help the Slayer!! Such a rad twist to add into the mix. Really enjoyed this issue.
WOLFPACK: How to Come Together, Unleash Our Power, and Change the Game by Abby Wambach

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Wolfpack is a Movement.

From her ferocious tenacity of wanting mutual respect and equality not just for some but for all is thoroughly conveyed. Sometimes that feeling in the pit of your stomach isn't a scared little girl it's the WOLF waiting to be unleashed. Love it for every word of encouragement to the Wolfpack. We are all a #Wolfpack
Adventure Time: Marcy & Simon #4 by Olivia Olson

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Finally they kiss!

OMG, first I love where the comic is going and can't wait to see how all of it pans out. Second the kiss, the kiss. Love it!!! So cute , I'm a big bubbline fan.
Moonstruck Vol. 2: Some Enchanted Evening by Shae Beagle, Kat Fajardo, Grace Ellis

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Holy Goddess

This was spectacular. Loved every minute of it. The art was stunning and the story line kept me till the end. Hoping for more soon.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #4 by Dan Mora, Jordie Bellaire

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On point

This issue flew, and I'm left feeling sad because Xander is so sad this time around. I really want him find himself. Hopefully Angel will save him, if he isn't doomed all ready.