kekecorona's reviews
330 reviews

Angel #3 by Dan Panosian, Gabriel Cassata, Joss Whedon, Bryan Edward Hill, Gleb Melnikov

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What does all this mean?

Okay, Angel has some great story plots going on here and I am just over the moon to have Fred in these issues. Looking forward to the next ones.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #8 by Raúl Angulo, Marc Aspinall, Jordie Bellaire, David López

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Another amazing issue

Every time I flip the page the more and more I want ...then it's over. Super intense...can't wait till next issue.
Life is Strange: Waves #4 by Andrea Izzo, Emma Vieceli, Claudia Leonardi

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Holy smokes

I want Chloe and Max with each other so bad but seeing Rachel alive is a nice thought. Also having the whole time be alive is also nice but I loved the adventure and hardship that brought the two friends back together and closer than ever. Excited for the next issue.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #7 by Raúl Angulo, Marc Aspinall, Jordie Bellaire, David López

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Dang that gave me the feels

They did it again. Willow and Xander has such a rad connection to begin with then you put this whole soul giving thing in the mix and Bam. Great issue. Definitely ready for the next one.
Life is Strange #3.1: Coming Home by Emma Vieceli

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Holy Toledo


Okay, first off how cool is it that Pixie too has a special gift and is now intertwined in this mix of weird.

Second, I’m scared to see what “storm” is coming.