Excuse me Ms. Lauren "Keke" Palmer, Master of Me was not what I was expecting. I went into this book expecting a grand memoir of one of my favorite celebrities of my childhood. What I was not expecting was receiving therapy alongside Keke's memoir. I devoured all she had to say and the relevant advice she had to give.
Soul Machine was a pretty interesting read. I’m not the biggest graphic novel fan, but I couldn’t put it down and read it all in one sitting. I really like the idea of a small business going against a greedy mega corporation.
This was not a book that I would say was a favorite, the main character was annoying and I did not like here, but I cannot complain too much as I was desperate to know how the book would end!
The Neighbor Favor was a great read that I would definitely recommend others read. I really enjoyed the storyline and characters. Both of our main characters had to address their flaws and try and work to overcome them. Family dynamics played a huge role, we see both a toxic and broken family, as well as a close-knit family with high expectations.
I cannot wait to see what else is to come from this series!
Wow, if I had to describe this book in one word, it would be "audacity". The audacity and bravery of Marty Goddard that was uncovered by the author, Pagan Kennedy, when facing pretty much the entire world to get the recognition that sexual assault was/is real and those individuals have the right to justice.
This was an incredibly frustrating and eye-opening read that I think absolutely everyone should read.
Pacheco and the Witch of the Mountain was an entertaining fantasy graphic novel for middle-graders. This book deals with inclusivity, animal abuse/mistreatment, and activism, all while we follow a young boy's dreams of learning and practicing magic, even though nearly everyone tells him magic is only for girls.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Missing White Woman was an edge of your seat thriller that had me desperate for answers! Cushion was cast everywhere and I had no clue who to trust. It really brings up how scary internet sleuths can be as well and how they can hinder investigations and upturn lives, even if they mean well.
The book was pretty interesting and for the most part kept me entertained. I HATED our main character with a burning passion, not sure if we were supposed to hate her, but I did lol.
The idea/plot was cool, but I think the execution of the book could be better. I love supporting indie authors and props to S Alexander for getting her book out in the world, BUT it could have really benefitted from beta readers AND a developmental editor.