kayleee25's reviews
149 reviews

Know My Name by Chanel Miller

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I was worried this would be too hard to read and that I wouldn’t get through it. It was painful to read but I am very glad I read the whole thing. Ms. Miller is incredibly talented and her words are powerful.

“I had a voice. He stripped it, left me groping around blind for a bit, but I always had it. I just used it like I never had to use it before. I do not owe him my success, my becoming, he did not create me. The only credit Brock can take is for assaulting me, and he could never even admit to that.” -Chanel Miller
The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi

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The sweet words at the ending are ones that many who grieve desire to hear. A beautiful, heartbreaking tale.