It’s a sweet memoir when you keep in mind the author was only 15 when she wrote it. The writing was okay — while it was alright, it truly wasn’t anything groundbreaking, and the themes seemed very repetitive. Not a bad read if you and/or your kid want to read about a trans child, though, as a starting point!
HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT A BOOK. The first horror book I’ve read in a while, and it was so so riveting. From the first sentence, I was hooked. And that atmosphere, my god! The author had such a way of describing the Honeys, it was so…bee-like, unnerving, and it was brilliant. The characters, the plot, the twists — it was all simply amazing. If you’re into suspenseful horror where you can’t guess what will happen next, then I would really recommend this one. Ryan La Sala has such a way with the genre, damn!
What a gorgeous, heart-felt book about family, grief, expectations, and what happens when we feel we can’t meet those expectstions. I loved the portrayal of the relationship between Val and her mother, how it can be so so complicated. I kinda wished the ending was a little less open-ended, but overall, it was still a wonderful story.
I…honestly don’t know what to say. What a wonderful, wonderful read.
Dragonfall follows two characters: Arcady, a lowly thief attempting to take back what was once theirs, and Everen, a dragon who is supposedly the one that saves his kind from extinction. The two of them become bonded through a spell, and from there, they begin to learn about each other and both of their worlds. It’s hard to condense the plot down to a simple opening paragraph, but I hope you get the gist of it.
The characters were so fun — a lot of times when it comes to multi-POV books, there’s always one or two perspectives that I don’t like as much as the others, but I think it’s safe to say that that isn’t the case here. Each character has their own unique voice and perspective, and I loved each of them. I think part of that is the originality in which the author wrote: they use different points of view for different characters’ chapters. For Arcady’s, it’s first person within the actual story; for Everen, it’s as if he’s writing to Arcady (not technically second person, but not so much first either — it’s as if he’s writing it after the fact); and there were a couple others that were decidedly third person. I know there were a number of people who hated this style, but I devoured it. I loved every second of it, and I liked the ways in which it at all intertwined in unique ways.
The world-building is quite awesome, too. While it is a bit confusing learning the different magic systems and the politics and all that, is that not the fun of high/epic fantasy? To get lost in another world? It was a bit confusing at first, sure, but I loved the way in which I was simply sucked in. While there was some passages that could be considered “info-dumping” by certain people, I thought it was done nicely, and I found myself just sucking it all up.
And on top of that, I loved the way in which gender was discussed and explored — showcasing how accepting the society in which Arcady lives is of different genders as well as nudging towards the different cultural beliefs of other societies. It was interesting how gender isn’t a mode of oppression in Loc, but that there still is this hierarchy involved within its society. I really wish it continues to be expanded upon in further books because I’m very much intrigued by it.
I will say that, from a more critical perspective, the plot could be considered weak in some ways — it seems a bit choppy here and there, like it wasn’t quite sure what it wanted to do. However, it did find its groove well enough, and again…I had a wonderful time just sitting down and tearing through this book. I soaked in as much information as I could, and by the end of it, I hungered for more. To me, it was everything a first book should be: holding its own story arc while ending in just a way that has me clamoring for the next book in the series.
I currently don’t have the time to give this the attention that should be given to it. I may pick it up again if needed, but in the meantime, there are better resources for me out there.