This is not an easy read by any means (I highly recommend you check the trigger warnings) but it portrays the struggles of people who don‘t fit societies „norms“ and the lack of understanding they face every day so well.
The book is collecting A representation like it‘s pokemon:
And I am so here for all of that rare represenation.
Regardless of the hard topics, this book made me feel so seen, and gives you unique insights into experiences unlike your own.
This book is for giving hope to the fellow Space Aces, you can tell.🪐🖤🩶🤍💜
I know that this is based on greek mythology, but I really, REALLY could have done without the classic „Everyone kissed everyone at least once“ mythology situation. It lead to a lot of weird situations that didn‘t really add anything to the story.
A big plus for the artstyle though, it‘s beautiful.
I certainly didn't think that a book including a magic mafia and a kidnapping could still be classified as cozy fantasy but lo and behold there is THIS wholesome DnD style story.
It could have moved a bit faster at times and the romance plot could have been a bit more developed, but the awesome found family made up for most of those shortcomings.
Well, let's all cross our fingers and hope that Clippy, the human destroying AGI, obsessed with producing paper clips stays a concerning but mildly amusing fantasy.
But jokes aside, this book covered a lot of interesting uses of AI, as well as prompting advice, etc., but I was hoping for a mention of the environmental aspect of this technology, which sadly didn‘t happen. Regardless it is a rather informative guide for AI beginners, which focuses more on the positive aspects of the AI future.
Very helpful in a wide range of situations and not just when you are sent to space by a morally questionable corporation. Thanks to #183 I have not turned my key in the wrong direction since.
And I have not been surprised by a shark attack yet, so that‘s working too.
I definitely would have needed an Ew counter for this book because.... Ew
There was an unreasonable amount of gore and some really disgusting actions by serial killer, which felt like they were just there for the shock value and were definitely not needed to make this a serious and thrilling book.